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I’ to take her out to dinner

The front door was painted black with red tri A few seconds later, her voice crackled in over the white plastic intercoe as she spoke

“Hey, I’ll be right down!”

She sounded cute I still had to kill her

“No rush,” I said and leaned up against the black

I adjusted the sleeves of my black custom suit and pulled my phone fro for me

Dante: Do it tonight Don doesn’t want to wait and let shit get worse

I grunted, deleted the text, and slippedme to move faster than I wanted to But it wasn’t their ass on the line if I got caught o doithout a word and rot the rest of et to stay out in the real world

I heard footsteps inside the building and looked up at the door pushed open I stepped back and let my eyes roam up and down my date

Elise Borghi was a petite girl, maybe a touch over five foot four, with thick dark hair and round brown eyes Her pink lips were covered in Chapstick and her eyelashes were long and dark She wore a dark blue dress cut low to show off her surprisingly gorgeous chest and cut short to show off her long, lean legs

The girl was gorgeous I knew she was pretty, I mean, I’d seen plenty of pictures of her But the pictures didn’t do her justice

“You’re, uh, Tanner, right?” She s it then letting it loose

She was nervous It was cute

“Yeah,” I said “And you’re Elise”

“Right” She laughed and dropped her hands froht, yeah, sorry I’ve never, you know, done this before”

I raised an eyebrow “Gone out with a handsome man before?”

“No,” she said “I one on an internet date before”

“Don’t worry,” I said “I don’t bite” Which was a lie, of course I definitely bite

“Unless I ask you to, right?” She grinned at er locked inside her

“Ask nicely, and I’ll do just about anything you want” I offered her my arm “Shall we?”

“We shall” She slipped her hand through my arm and I walked her down the steps She had a sht shoulder and her hair bounced as alked to my car

I drove a black vintage Lexus froh the thing broke down more than half the time I drove it, I still loved her anyway

I was old-fashioned like that

Elise cliot behind the wheel