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For those who have ever felt lost

When so bad happens in your life, you are set down a path that will eventually lead you to so profoundly beautiful You

THE VERY MOMENT I saw Linnzi Cunninghah school, I knew she was the girl I was going to spend the rest of ht not have known it then, and it et her to go out with me, but in the end, she was mine She’d always be mine

When I told her o to the Air Force Academy and becoone for pilot school or deployed flying fighter jets, she never once co and that I was following in my own father’s footsteps, and she supported me a hundred-and-ten percent

She was ave ift I’d ever received

I hadn’t seen Linnzi for a few months since I had been deployed in Ger all day to find that she had sent oodies fro with an envelope that said not to open until we FaceTimed

“What is this, Linz?” I asked as I held up the envelope

Her s as the Texas sky “Just open it, Nolan!”

I laughed while she bounced around in her chair I could practically feel her excite to do with the wedding?”

I had asked Linnzi toschool, but with how crazyuntil things cal married this sulorious weeks it would only be me and Linnzi, alone on a beach in St Lucia

“Nope! This ti”

I opened the envelope and looked inside My heart beat faster, and I noticed ram picture There was a red heart drawn on the picture with the words “la bébé” typed onto it with an arrow that pointed to a small spot It took me a moment to let the French words sink in Linnzi loved French and took it in both high school and college

Then it hit

My head jerked up, and I looked at the co a baby?” I asked, htly

She nodded and burst into tears “We’re having a baby!”

“Holy shit! They can tell it’s a girl already?” I said as I shook my head and looked back down at the little tiny spec that was our child

Linnzi laughed “No, wishful drea”