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“I have accepted et ether I’ll see you out there”
“Final thoughts,” Scott repeated with air quotes and a goofy smile “Jesus, man—you make it sound like a funeral”
Scott shook his head as he headed for the door, still grinning
Jim watched the door close behind him
He still felt pretty bad about leaving the bachelor party Scott threw hi of dread
He doubted yrations of shapely half-naked girls and complimentary alcohol
Ji he would wait until the last possiblein place
He needed to spend his final ining he was somewhere else…
The door creaked open again
“Jesus, Scott, I said give me a minute!” he bellowed
He turned toward the door, cursing hi it behind Scott, but instead of his bestin, sharp dark eyes startled
“Shit, I’m sorry—come on in, sis What’s up?”
Guilt flooded him as he took in her familiar thin, dark-skinned frame
She had been so disappointed at being left out of the wedding party, but as usual, put on a good face about it
“Just checking on you Scott had this weird look on his face and sout”
Jirinned at her
“You mean the heart-shaped butterflies or…?”
She slapped hi away, looking embarrassed
She had to know he knew about her crush on Scott, right? Her eyes practically got stuck on him every time she saw him
That’s probably what bugged her thea chance to be escorted up the aisle by Scott
Scott probably hadn’t noticed the crush, and Jilad it looked like his sister wouldn’t make a move; Scott didn’t deserve her
Sure, she was a grooman now, but he still felt protective
He still reht ho held by his pale, blondwith joy
He forgot when exactly he stopped telling people Judy was adopted, his defenses raising immediately every time he was asked She was his sister, and how that came to be didn’t matter
Judy sobered up, wringing her elegant hands a little as she said, “It’s so weird, Jienuinely happy Well, besides Lucy’s parents, of course”
“Don’t feel bad for ht thing to do”
Judy shrugged disue this time
It was obviously too late for advice
You think mom would be pleased with your decision? she had asked hi had most of all
Didn’t she get it? It didn’t
No matter how many times Judy mentioned he had other options, he knew better
This was the only way
Jim took a final breath
He had reached a state of blankness—as if his body had finally shifted to auto-pilot
Nohim into social functions he couldn’t care less about No h with a sha reduced to a ellation
Duty called
He nodded at Scott as he closed the dressing room door behind him, and they headed for the lineup
It’s for the faood of the company It’s the least I can do for the
Maybe he and Lucy could grow into the e like his dad said
Ha! Fat chance
He took in the formally dressed crowd
Lucy had kept it s to her: a hundred people
Her dad happily let her do whatever she wanted, and Ji was mainly for the bride
He let her pick the venue, the entreés, the colors
He ith her idea of having just a best man and a maid of h
The flowers, the centerpieces—all up to her
She got to pick everything—even her ideal groo
Why the heck had she picked an evening wedding, though? he’d wondered, because instead of getting it over with nice and early, he’d had all day to dread the ceremony
He should have put his foot down on that one aspect, but he had distanced hi, that he didn’t want to think about any single part of it
All he’d had to worry about was his tux
His eyes darted around the roo alive with horror once more
Oh god, was she going to try to get pregnant right away? To seal the deal with a kid?
That was one thing he’d put his foot down on—he definitely wasn’t ready for a child
He’d delay by playing on her vanity—she wouldn’t want to lose her figure just yet
As Lucy appeared, a huge solden head, her sli in Jim stilled
It was real It was happening right now
She looked beautiful, no doubt, but the bile finally rose from his stomach
He covered hisit out before the contents of his stomach came up
Then, before anyone could get their senses, he kept running, knowing there was no way in hell he was going back
Chapter 2
“Of course it’s going to work out—everything alorks out for you,” Annie said, her curly, red-brown hair a halo
Maribel studied her best friend’s light brown face for signs of bitterness or jealousy, but found none