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Chapter 1

It wasn’t the first time he’d run for his life And it most likely would not be the last In the past few decades, though, he’d ry fathers who’d found hiuards—sent by angry fathers who’d found him where they felt he should not be

But this day, Gwenvael ran from his own kin Not that this was in any way new to him either, but it had been a while since he’d been forced to

Also true was that he should have kept his iti out of proportion and took out their e on him

Why did they just not admit they were jealous? For he envael the Handsoon Queen, Foron Queen’s Northern Arions, Gwenvael was always

And his kin hated him because of that

Besides, who knew that a queen would be so sensitive? Even a human one

All he did was ask a sie at only seven months with child?” A si noises, and throeaponry It seemed the human queenarm was still true Nearly took my damn ear off

Now the queen’s consort—also known as Gwenvael’s eldest brother and future Dragon King of the Southlands, Fearghus—felt the need to chase him down like a rabbit

That’s envael ran Because if Fearghus the Destroyer destroyed Gwenvael’s beautiful face, the big bastard would never face retribution for it Because, as always, he’d be forgiven his violent transgressions while Gwenvael was never forgiven his more sensual ones

Found naked with a few of his grandfather’s kitchen est that when his s that brought out the largeness of her ass? His father’s claw right to the back of the head Set up a sest brother Éibhear that involved a few of the local brothel girls? His ht to the back of the head

Fearghus, however, had hacked off the tip of Gwenvael’s poor tail o and still he had not been punished While the spiked tip ons used as a weapon floated in a river soed around a stump

Thankfully, he’d found other uses for his tragically laured tail Uses most females appreciated quite a lot

Gwenvael dashed around a corner, heading toward the stables and out the back entrance It was then he saeet Izzy, daughter of the delicious Talaith and Gwenvael’s idiot brother Briec

Izzy was not Gwenvael’s niece by blood, her true father a Southland huo in battle before Talaith and Briec had ever met or mated But Izzy was still family and he adored her as she adored hiht until she sla into one of the stable doors He kept forgetting exactly how strong his human niece was Her mother may be a small dainty witch trained to kill on command, but Izzy was a bit of a bruiser—and enjoyed that about herself immensely