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Chapter One

"Do you knohat thisis about?” Detective Warren looked around the FBI conference roo any of the other officers would know the answer

"No, but it's got to be big to call an e” Joe leaned back in his chair as he sipped his second cup of coffee of the rouped together The walls were a crisp white, the surroundings almost hospital like But it was far from the clean white sterile environment of a hospital

"Do you think there was a break with the terrorist ties to Kuli Sae was the resident International Terrorist specialist There were at least four of the agents that worked in the office that worked in that specialized field “I have been trying to ht noould be happy to just be able to disrupt their activities, at least that would stop the money flow"

"You will get him, but I don't think this is about Sainia” Warren didn't look up as he spoke, continuing to shuffle through so theLife in the FBI was always full of work, and even when h time to do it all

As soon as Denise stepped into the room, all the conversations dropped to a whisper, and every eye was on her Any other woman would have felt a little intimidated, become a little withdrawn Perhaps even felt a little aard The only thing the blank stares did for Denise was piss her off even oodwas just lared at the e

Working for the FBI was still primarily a man's world, she knew that, but she had not anticipated the outright unfriendliness She was petite coht of the iants, she was a dwarf Aout and years of martial arts made her confident that she could take any one of thee helped her ith a kick to her step She knew as many of the moves as they did, if not more Her body was in excellent shape and she didn't attribute that to her rigorous workout routine

Her nerves that forced her to keep in shape, when she got nervous or worried, she couldn't sit still She had to keep y and relax her Ultimately it kept her sane It hy she chose such a physical job to begin with

She hid her nervous nature She had always been strong and today, with twenty-two pairs of strange ed here as raduated fro only one of tomen in her class, she was damned proud of that fact

Denise looked around the tables before walking up to a seat up front She refused to go hide in the back of the rooentleman with a military style haircut dressed in a black business suit and tie She s her attention to the empty chair at the head of the board room

How long was this going to take? Longshe didn't enjoy about being in the law enforcement field, but it was a necessary part of this world and the foundation of a good prosecution Nothing had ever given her so much satisfaction as this line of work It didn't happen everyday, but there were days she knew she made a difference After six years with the Cincinnati police she finally made the cut for the FBI

In a whirl of papers, the group of chattering men dispersed to quickly find their seats before their leader took his place behind his desk Victor De La Cruz was the director in charge of the satellite offices for the Cincinnati field office He was the one who had interviewed her for the field office here

The roo for Victor to address the roo uidance, whether he was officially in charge or not

"Okay, boys and girls, as you inia area” He began to hand a packet of papers around to the room “Please take one and pass it on Inside you will find a complete report on the suspect and the vehicle he was last known to be traveling in A black Mustang convertible"

Agent Jeff Bryant was the first to couy on the news yesterday"

"Well, he has crossed the state line and he is headed this way The authorities in Virginia have contacted us for our cooperation It appears he has family in the area, a ents to interview the fahbors I need four volunteers"

Denise was one of the first to raise her hand This would be a good break fron she could do, she needed to try, and this was the kind of opportunity she could never turn down This hy she joined the force to begin with She wouldn't be able to sleep without knowing she tried

"Larry, George, Shawn, and Jeff Denise, you will partner with Jeff as a new agent I will need you to go out thisand do the interviews” Victor cleared his throat before continuing “By the way everyone, Denise is our newest agent and I want you to make her feel at home here We are lucky to have her She worked for six years for the Cincinnati police and is trained in hostage negotiations"

There was an eruption of murmured welco friendly, even as she smiled back

Denise knocked on the wooden screen door The paint was peeling, exposing the years of neglect that the old house had gone through A dog ca in excite “Hold on, I a"

The door opened to reveal a woed her far arettes and a musty baseme

nt sray hair was pulled back in a ponytail, she was not a woman who spent a lot of time or money on her appearance When she s back, it revealed her yellowed crooked teeth that had not been well cared for in life

She took one look at the two agents dressed in their black business suits and expelled an irritated and drawn out sigh of frustration “What do you want?"

"Are you Mrs Bonnie Hall?"

"Yes” She replied hesitantly, not trusting either of the two agents

"We are here to ask you a few questions about your son, ent Bryant was quick to take control of the interview

The wo the door wide for them to enter “Come on in I will make you some coffee if you like"

"No, thank you” Agent Jeff replied curtly

"I just had so Have you heard fro a non-threatening voice

"No, and , and I really don't want to talk about him"

"We think he has been involved with a kidnapping"

"He didn't do it” Bonnie was shaking her head ada to listen to the possibility, “I think the police are mistaken"

Denise opened her folder and skithy one The man had been arrested and convicted forphysical assault on his mother Denise had to shake her head at that Thedown a dark road and with each cri more violent

"Has your son ever shown an interest in young girls, Mrs Hall?"

Mrs Hall looked down, and her nervousness was shoith the i of her hands into her shirt “No Never"

Agent Bryant's expression did not change to show that he registered the lie

She's lying, her body language says she's lying, Denise thought Why would she be lying to protect hi hishi him to continue? She turned her back on the interviealk over to theand look out the backA fist clenched around her chest as Denise realized why the suspect'sto them A black car parked in the yard had been hastily covered up by a blue tarp, but the plastic cover was too s a potentially da piece of evidence

Denise turned back to face Agent Bryant and Mrs Hall Neither of the her much attention, until she interrupted their conversation “Mrs Hall, I know you are concerned about your son as a ive us can help us to possibly save the life of a little girl"

Denise pulled out the school photo of the eleven-year-old child that had been kidnapped She was pretty with long brown hair and green eyes, but her personality and happy spirit really came out in her smile She should have her whole life ahead of her Instead her life was in jeopardy, and it had been two days, with no sign of ransoood for the child Statistically her chances of survival were very low at this point

Bonnie held the photo in her hands and just stared at the picture, her hands began shaking Denise took that as a sign of weakness and moved in for the kill with a direct question “I know your son has been here This child could die because of you Now tell me honestly, did he have her with him, Bonnie?"

Bonnie Hall paled considerably Suddenly she drew in a troubled breath and let out a choked cry “I didn't know” When Bonnie looked back up at Denise, there were tears in her eyes “I had no idea He toldher for the weekend That it was for a friend of his"

"Is he here now?"