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Chapter One
“You look different in the sun,” I say, turning on le, Iand looking With his long, messy hair out of his eyes and his shirt off so he can soak up the htened eyesight he's eventhan before we'd swapped blood
“So do you,” he says, opening his eyes and glancing over ata noctalis He tries to sht “Hoas that?”
“Still needs work” He blinks at h, or an, “oh well” Sometimes it's all three This feels like one of those times
Even with the unpleasantness that happened here a week ago, we're sitting outside the o, but it hasn't even been two months Funny how time works like that
“You know she's going to find a way,” I say, taking the conversation to a dark place He'd told me so many times that orry about it when it happened, but I just couldn't do that The breeze teases our hair, tossing it around, as if it agrees with me Peter closes his eyes
He says the sa he's said every time I've said it
“She is not here now, and it will take her tilorious?” He's so freaking cheerful, I want to ask if he got a personality transplant Instead I puffto be a probleo Apparently our personalities have switched places like in soical teen movie
I'd been the reckless one e'd first met The one who, after I knew he could killout with him Which I did Multiple times Even after he'd physically threatened otten rid of me was to actually kill me Which he hadn't done, yet
And then there was his brother, Ivan, anted me dead at first, but then decided he wanted me alive so I could destroy Peter They're not really close, if that wasn't clear when I first met them But Ivan and Peter had united to face a common enemy Their mother, Di The ene that lasted
Normally boys will battle to the death to protect their ical mother, but the woman who'd made them what they are Noctali A word I still didn't really understand As far as I knew, it el vampire
His other brother, Viktor, was a vampire olf I don't even kno that works I had no idea about Ivan and Di I'd never asked Ignorance was bliss where that was concerned
“I really need to go ho position I didn't want to go, but I knew I had to At least Dad wouldn't be there and I wouldn't be subjected to sood Kind of delicious, and I didn't want to think about the fact that I'd started s other people's blood and itabout it
“Then you should go” I kneasn't hu that he didn't beg me to stay