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Chapter One
Sara“Hey, did you hear about it?”
“What, what?”
“That ru around…”
I leaned in close to my two friends, Alicia and Caroline Technically, ere supposed to be in the middle of class, but the professor hadn’t arrived yet We were seated near the back of the room, which was virtually empty, so our conversation wouldn’t be overheard anyway There was a quiet buzz in the room as everyone else focused on their own conversations, a buzz that would drown out our whispers if anyone did happen to be close enough to hear us Alicia still looked around before she leaned close and whispered to us, her long blond hair another screen
“There’s this new chat line going around school I didn’t believe it when I first heard about it, but it’s true! Can you believe it?” She broke into giggles, her blue eyes alight with delight, and Caroline and I started to nudge her to get her to go on
“Just tell us what it is, already” Caroline said, with a look of excite red hair a further shield “I haven’t heard any strange rumors around school”
Alicia grinned “It’s called, ‘Sext line’ Can you guess what it’s about?”
My eyebrows juue idea, but ould be crazy enough to start so like that?
“What is it?” Caroline asked, her pale skin flushed with excitement
“So, it’s like this” Alicia moved even closer, and lowered her voice a bit et to uy You know, for sexy time”
My jaw dropped in shock
No way!
We were in college, but I didn’t think people would be this crazy! Was the line operated on school grounds? If it eren’t they worried about the school’s staff finding out? Whoever it was They would be in so much trouble!
“I hadn't heard that one,” Caroline admitted, her eyes a little wider, but she didn’t look nearly as surprised as I was “Where did you hear about this? I’m pretty sure we know all the same people, but I’ve never heard about this”
Alicia waved a dismissive hand “Oh, you wouldn’t knoho it was even if I told you I was in the field and so about it But wouldn’t it be interesting? I wonder who’s doing it All I know is it can’t be another freshman, maybe a senior?”