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Nothing short of a bullet to the head will stopHeidi my wife

Maybe not the best way to put it, considering everything the club’s gone through lately

Co Heidi’s soft, warm body

But all ers find are cool sheets

Turning, I catch a gli automatically makes me smile before I even read the words

She won’t see it until she has a break, but I grab e

Study hard Kick ass Love you

Feels weird to be “ho at a rental house downstate to help Z run Sway’s downstate charter while Sway recovered frounshot to his thick skull

Even weirder, Z ine our charter without hi too sappy while I was down there, but I’ to miss his prankster ass

After a quick stop in the bathroom, I ers in the air, and I definitely need some of that to shake myself awake

Teller and Rock are at the kitchen table Not unusual to see Teller here these days His visits increased after Grace was born Usually Charlotte tags along Privately, Heidi and I joke that her brother’s probably trying to entice Charlotte intosome babies sooner rather than later

Given the o, babies are the last thing on Teller’s mind

Teller notices my presence first “Nice of you to join the productive people”

I flip him off on my way to the coffee maker “Produce this”

“He got in late,” Rock says, defending e to stickcup of coffee and take a quick sip instead

“Wrath planning to work you hard now that you’re upstate full-tiain?” Teller asks

“You know it” Now that I’ and I take a seat across fro up”

“Glad to hear it,” Rock says “Although I never doubted that it would”

My gaze ping-pongs between the two of the; yet, Teller doesn’t have his usual stack of papers with him for the club’s investments

“We are still having church this ?” I ask Otherwise, I would’ve stayed in bed

“We have a lot of things to discuss,” Rock says, which I guess answers my question

Before I can ask any follow-ups to Rock’s non-answer, the back door whooshes open, and even though it can only be one person, I glance up

“How are you living two hours away and still sneaking in ?” Rock’s joke co

Z grins at him “Awesome, isn’t it?”

“That’s one word for it,” Rock mutters

Teller barely cracks a smile Someone’s crabby today

“What’re you doing here so early?” I lift my chin at Z

Soft footsteps pad down the stairs, drawing our attention to Hope “OhGrace in her arms

“Little ht,” I say over my coffee cup “Didn’t hear a peep out of her”

“She did,” Hope agrees, patting my back as she walks by I reach out and tickle Grace’s toes, getting a sweet baby giggle in return

“How are you prettier every ti Hope over for a hug

“Are you talking to me or Grace?” she asks


“Smooth” Teller chuckles

Ignoring his Hope and takes Grace for a few minutes

“Did Lilly come with you?” Hope asks Z

“She ran up to see her brother, but she’ll be back”

Hope leans over to kiss Rock’s cheek and gives Teller an affectionate shoulder squeeze, before heading to the refrigerator “Did anyone eat yet?”

“No time, baby doll,” Rock answers for all of us

I scowl at my cup of black coffee Apparently, Wrath’s inter Like a disease

“Murphy, Heidi left an olass container and waves it in the air “Do you want me to heat it up?”

“Nope, I got it” At least sorab the container from Hope “Thanks”

I pop off the cover and grin Bacon, broccoli, and cheese Dairl

One hurry-the-fuck-up face from Rock, and I decide to eat my breakfast cold Still delicious

I rush back to our bedrooet my ass dressed then meet Z and Teller outside

Z loops a heavy arm around each of our necks and yanks us close “Miss you, fuckers” He slaps sloppy kisses on both our cheeks before setting us free

Teller wipes the back of his hand over his cheek “We just spent like three weeks on the road together” He starts walking toward the clubhouse, and I follow

Z’s not one to be ignored or disru every day Now my life seems so empty without it” He slaps Teller’s cheeks with an affectionate amount of force

I clamp my hand on Z’s shoulder and pull him away before Teller punches him “It’s not the same without you here, bro” They’re not empty words Z’s been our VP since before I patched into the club Our whole dyna off on a run

This is life-altering