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I know some people prefer to put these at the end But I feel it’s ith frooes:

My faithful critique partners, Cara Connelly, Kari W Cole and Virginia Frost You’ve entertained some very filthy questions froroup! I’m sorry to say the next one won’t be any cleaner

KA Mitchell, who has been as excited aboutthe tih problematic scenes

Angi J, Brandy, Chris, Clarisse, Elizabeth, Iveta, Katie, Krystal, Shauna, and Shelly Thank you fro with estions and sharing your stories witha final look!

Shauna, thanks for listening to my crazy on an almost daily basis

LJ, thank you for your patience and another beautiful cover!

Thank you, Cassie for taking me on at the last minute

Marti, thanks for sticking withso enthusiastic about my work

Elizabeth, Terra, Jorja, Navene, and Grace, thank you for the ti my books

Not Another Da me to my first author take overs I always have a blast

Readers who have taken the time to reach out to me in one way or another—thank you so much!

There are so et someone

Last and never least,with inary friends—thank you None of this would be possible without you I’s

For those who have struggled with depression and loss

The thought of Hope wearing ets me harder than a motherfucker

It’s time for me to announce my intent at church Technically, I don’t need the club’s approval I can clais property patch, I need the votes ofives Hope a lot of power She knows, or will learn, shit law enforce her this patch is more than decorative It’s s toone hundred percent responsibility for Hope, but so are my brothers I trust her cohtly

The clubhouse is quiet All our guests froht have departed

Wrath looks downright exhausted as he hobbles in on his crutches and drops into the chair on ht

“You feelin’ all right?”

For once, he’s not s “Yeah Fuckin’ cast is bullshit”

“Slowin’ your game?” Z asks helpfully from my left

“Brother’s got no ga his balls around in her back pocket for weeks,” Dex snarks Everyone chuckles, even Wrath

Instead of sohs and shakes his head


The rest of the guys seeet their ass in their chair the slowest Sparky is naturally the last one in He’s jittery fro away from his plants for more t

han five seconds

We go through regular club business and get it out of the way Teller reports to us that earnings are good All club accounts are flush and balanced He reads the numbers off a sheet of paper, passes it around for everyone to review, then shreds it

Sparky reports a fresh crop is almost ready We have an increased demand fro with the new pipeline I lined up Sparky is excited about his newest strain Stash asks for extra help with packaging

Z and Dex report Crystal Ball is doing well and they’ve secured a fe feature dancers to replace the void left by Inga

Wrath informs everyone he’s decided on a trainer to teach his classes at the gys while he’s laid up, and ork out a schedule

Murphy brings up a run that’s been scheduled for months With Wrath unable to ride, someone needs to take his place We still have a little time to deal with that, so I table it for later discussion

Wrath offers to turn in his cut since he can’t ride His offer is voted doith a “fuck no” from all members

“There’s an exception in the bylaws for injuries, you fuckhead, so stop offering,” Z grouches at Wrath Wrath flips him off, and that discussion is over

Once general club business is out of the way, I excuse everyone except my officers: Wrath, Z, Teller, and Murphy

Expectation is written all over each face

No reason for a speech “I want to give Hope a property patch”

It shouldn’t really be a surprise, but they act like I dropped a fucking live nuke in the middle of the table

After a few beats, Z asks, “You asking for our votes, prez?”


Z nods slowly Ion my enforcer last

“You lay it out for her?” he asks


“Everything?” Wrath pushes

Through clenched teeth, I spit out, “Not quite”

Wrath’s eyes widen in a “what the fuck you waitin’ for” face that I want to punch

“She knows enough I trust her You heard her the night of the party It ain’t gonna rattle her”

Wrath nods slowly and turns to the rest of the guys

Teller is the first one to raise his hand “She’s been real good to Heidi Trinity too She’s got love for the club Prez is happy She gets my vote”

Wrath’s shrewd gaze focuses on Teller as he takes that all in That’s fuckin’ right, brother She jumped in to help one of us out

Murphy raises his hand next “She’s a classy girl Doesn’t give anyone grief She was ready to rip those cops’ heads off after Heidi’s party Abso-fucking-lutely”

Yeah, ht The iving those pigs hell still makes me smile