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I don’t want to be here

Rain slasheshair into whips I feel like I’ve been walking for hours, but I suspect in the light of day I’ll discover it’s a ate to the front steps of the house looothic novel, towering peaks and narros, all dark and vaguely faded as if it’s stood on this hill for ti

Probably because it has

I readjust rip on my suitcase andas far and fast as I can I already tried that and it got me a brand new scar onThe only reason my father healedfully daoods The man in this house won’t care about a few scars He’s interested in what lurks beneath my skin

Specifically, my blood

I don’t knock The va There’s no point in playing the courteous guest or pretending I want this I make it three steps inside before the door sla off the roar of the storlance over

Vampires move faster than the human eye can see And while I’h to not be able to see ed goods At least if I had full vaht ic As it is, I’m barely better than a human Barely better than prey

The knowledge sticks ina shriek of surprise when I turn around and find aclose No, not a man A va pressing against his bottohtest loss of control, and itit’s been since the last sacrificial lamb was sent to this house

He’s gorgeous in the way all vath This one has dark brown hair that falls in a sleek wave to his shoulders, fathohtly too thin for his frame He holds hiize”

I blink Of all the things I expected hi them “What?”

“Cornelius sent you”