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Tuesday That’s what ht across o, when the airline had lostmy trip down to Florida to visit et Of course, I had no idea there was anything printed on them at the time And I wasn’t about to throay seven pairs of perfectly good underhen I eventually realized Plus, how long had it been since anyone had seen my underwear anyway? Two years?

The nurse came back into the treatment room to take my history “Why don’t you have a seat, Ms Valentine?”

“Ummm I can’t”

“Oh, sorry” She sht”

“Do you knohen the last time you had a tetanus shot was?”

“I’ularly Last year, maybe”

“Okay That’s good How about pregnancy? Any chance you could be pregnant?”

“Not a cold chance in hell”

Even the sixty-year-old nurse looked at me sympathetically “Dry spell, huh?”

“You could say that”

“Well, you’re in luck then Dr Hogue is on today”

“Dr Hogue?”

“He’s our resident A real young hottie” She winked

Great Just great I wasn’t just going to be mortified in front of the first , handsome doctor “Do you have anyone else on call, by any chance? Maybe a female doctor or an older, male physician, perhaps?”

The nurse stood and closed the chart she’d started for ood hands I’ue has seen his share of ass”

Kill me now

A few nore the pain and distract h my phone while I waited for the resident on duty, when the door opened

I turned around and froze