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Page 27 (1/2)

Chapter 1


Soiant-wart-on-your-nose, three-of-my-teeth-turned-black-and-those-are-the-only-ones-I-have, scar-running-down-ly—because I do have to look at my own reflection every once in a while—but it would be nice to walk into a roo, stockbroker asshole in the bar

Do I sound bitter? I’et to me Aren’t brokers just used car sales stocks, why aren’t they hoold-laden invest advice to others?

I was ht’s catch wasn’t a stockbroker

Speaking of which… My target had just noticeda solid minute to work his way up to my face At least this cheater looked exactly like the picture we’d been given: tall, fit, inky black hair slicked back, square jaw, imperious nose Squinty eyes One look, and I knew I’d walk the other way if this weren’t a job

My unsuspecting opponent for tonight was an attorney from the Upper West Side—an entertain starlets who hadn’t yet learned to look beneath the three-thousand-dollar wool suit and check for a wolf

Our non-refundable retainer was forty hours for this job I’d bet money I could be done in a fraction of that time Her Of course, it was a in for him since it motivated me to finish the job quickly, which, in turn, meant I was free to start another one sooner

Only, I hoped there wouldn’t be any more jobs like this one I had an interview for a real job to pawed on a daily basis—and with any luck, this crap would soon be over

Sensing Larry the lawyer ogling ain, I fluttered -rich-tough-guy-and-I’irl smile Just for fun, I added a twirl of my naturally platinum hair as I hoisted my D cups in his direction His flat-chested brunette wife hadboobs

You’re in luck, Larry Ring-a-ding-ding Co

By the tier, the courthouse conniver was already at my side

“You look like you could use a drink,” he said

I bitshyness for a few seconds, then raised ers”

He offered me his hand “Garrett Lopresti”

And so it begins Lie number one, Larry Mercer