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CYNTHIA MARCUM TAPPED thethem, she paused when she saw one froled in anticipation Why would he be e her? Her interactions had always been with his staff Had she done so?

She had been doing Dr Donavon’s transcription for just over a eons she typed dictation for in the ood she’d added hi a full load She could use the money Her brothers, Mark and Rick, were always in need of so at least a hundred dollars

Thefor the mystery doctor She loved the sound of his voice It drew her in She always saved his tapes for last His deep resonating tone was sht to ainst a tin roof and hi her close

Her iination worked overtih of listening to hi his tapes back more than once Even all the medical terms sounded erotic when he uttered them

She often wondered if he looked like he sounded All dark and sexy

A humph escaped her Yeah, more like short and bald That had happened one time when she had met a radio DJ Based on his voice she’d built hiuy who every woman would want Unfortunately, he turned out to be a short, ray ponytail To say she had been disappointed was an understatement

Listening to Dr Donavon had become her romantic outlet Since she currently had no one special in her life, hearing his voice had filled that void She’d been in a relationship when her parents died Wedding bells with Dave hadn’t seemed too far off, then life had happened Her parents’ estate issues, the needs of her brothers and everything in between had worked against their relationship

Dave had soon begun coh tin on to help raise two teenage boys” Finally, he’d told her he had found someone else In a way Cynthia was relieved He just didn’t share her mind-set about the importance of fa her faether at all costs

After they broke up, she didn’t try to have another solid relationship She’d dated a few tih to matter Usually, when they found out she was responsible for her brothers, they quickly backed away Noasn’t the time for a man and she’d accepted that Sadly, until the boys were et her thrills fro to

Her finger hovered over the coht She’d been without areality She clicked the e it

Then she read the black words against the white screen

/> Hello, Ms Marcum,

My officemy transcriptions I’m very impressed with your work

The reason I’ you is that I arant proposal and need to have some extra reports transcribed over the next feeeks I wanted to know if you would be willing to take on this additional work Of course I will compensate you for your time

I would really appreciate your help


S Donavon

Nope Nothing sexy there But he sounded nice Considerate In her mind she could ale There wasn’t ht be difficult This was Rick’s senior year in high school so what extra hours she had were spent going to his activities Yet the extra e tuition that was due soon

Plus, she liked to keep her clients happy Took pride in her work So far that hadn’t been a probleet to listen to his voice ree to Dr Donavon’s request would he take all his work elsewhere? She couldn’t afford to let that happen

Moving the cursor to the reply button, she clicked and typed

Dr Donavon,

I’ht at present, but I’ll do my best to fit in any extra reports you send

I don’t kno quick a turnaround time I can promise, but I will make it as short as possible


Scanning the e, she made sure she had used the correct tone, then clicked “send” She didn’t want to lose his business but couldn’t overextend herself either Her brothers, her fahfor a new car Hers was on its last legs She grinned More like last tire

Since she had left nursing school to becoained a reputation as being competent and professional It had been difficult to build a client list She’d been tickled to add Dr Donavon As a surgeon, he produced plenty of work to keep her busy He also paid better than her other clients Getting to enjoy his voice almost daily was an added perk

“Hey, Cyn,” Rick called His tall, lanky body appeared in the doorway of the small front room of their house she used as an office He wore his usual unifor over to Joey’s house”

Cynthia swiveled in the chair to face him “Do you have that project done?”

“Al more “I’ll have it finished tomorrow and it isn’t due for another week Don’t worry, I have all A’s”

“Yeah, but you don’t want that to slip That scholarship you’re after depends on it”

Rick waved a hand at her “You worry too much See ya”

Seconds later the back door squeaked open and slammed closed

She did worry That had been her full-ti car accident She’d becouardian of her brothers when she was only a few years older It hadn’t been easy for any of the it

Her father had told herYou have to support your family” She lived by thatthat her brothers had a good start in the world Once they were settled, she would go back to school and think about her own future She missed that carefree time when she’d been on her own The times she hadn’t had to consider her brothers before she did soht

The three of them had inherited the house, but there were still day-to-day expenses to meet Those came out of her paycheck Her parents had left so if she tapped into it What her parents had left theher education or to help them buy their own place