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The best thing about traveling first class is that you get to board first Well, that’s not the only good thing about it, but today, that’s my favorite part I’ve been in San Francisco for a week, and I’o hohts, which means this is the second plane I’ve had to board today Hence the early boarding Shoving my carry-on overhead, I take s, and closeThe co maintenance Just routine but essential for safety I’ain I can hear h and call me spoiled

They’re not wrong

As CEO of Riggins Enterprises, I have a fully packed schedule, and delays for things such as cohts can’t be tolerated Besides, my brothers are just as spoiled as I am They just don’t have the pressure on them, the future of the coer than me, is the only one who coer three brothers all play a role in the company as well, but the stress, the worry, that’s all on me

I feel someone take the seat next to ht be I just want this plane in the air and landing in Nashville as soon as possible The hustle and bustle of the other passengers boarding fills , thatoff

Several et you so to drink?”

“N-No, thank you,” a soft fe enough to get me to open my eyes and turn to look at my seatmate Green eyes, ith visible fear, capture mine “I’m sorry if I woke you”

“You didn’t” I keep my reply short I’m not sure if she’s a chatty Kathy, but I don’t need that on this flight I just want to sleep through it and get home

“I’ her hand out in front of her My eyes watch as a slight tremble appears

“First ti Why I’m not sure I’m not a man who takes on casual conversation No, I’ There is always soa multi-billion-dollar co
