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I agree Unfortunately, he’s too energetic, she lamented He’s an owner surrender The hter—couldn’t handle hi hie for etic and happy for the attention—but then ten minutes in, he stumbled into my lap, curled up into a little ball, and prooner
“What kind of dog is he?” I asked, already iet a sht at the foot of mine I’d try to keep him off the furniture at first, but I knew I’d inevitably cave and give hies—who can say no to those doe-eyes?
The volunteer, who I now suspect ed and told e
“Do you et?”
She pretended to study his front paw, on which he’d rested his adorable little snout “Oh, with those tiny little things? He probably won’t get any bigger than a solden retriever”
I chuckle thinking back on that exchange now His paws—those “tiny little things”—seeh to carry the both of us down the sidewalk at breakneck speeds, even as I tug on his leash, trying to get him to slon
“Heel, Mouse! Heel!”
Yes, his na so funny Anamed Mouse?! How clever I smile and nod, and I definitely do not tell them I named him Mouse when he was the size of an actual field mouse
“Mouse, I have organic salain, and finally h his thick skull He slows his gait until he’s right besideup at s can s
I feed him a treat and then hold another one inI’ve discovered that while I may not be the best trainer, I am fairly adept at canine bribery And that will have to suffice for now, considering I’m already in my work clothes
It’s Mondayand we’re on our way to the vet We’ve beenthe volunteer conveniently forgot to mention Puppies apparently need more shots than babies I seriously think that he has better healthcare than I do
ThisMouse to his appointment before work Ever the optimist, I dreamed of a nice leisurely stroll, in which he’d finally heed the training I’d inconsistently applied Mouse, however, is le himself in his leash He wants to run and fulfill his destiny as a squirrel hunter I consider aborting theback, but I don’t think I even could at this point I have a crude understanding of anatomy, and wonder if it’s possible for ht-over Barbie doll