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BIG MOUNTAIN Penny Wylder 40450K 2023-08-29



As e station, I feel a weight lifting from my shoulders

I love et where I araphs But it’s hectic to keep up with the n downall the photos post-event

I didn’t notice how stressed I was feeling lately, between the four weekend weddings I photographed in a row on the side, andevents and festivals for the Philadelphia Gazette But whenspring festival in Bailey, a small town about two hours outside Philly in the Poconos, for a feature he’s got planned on nearby weekend vacation spots, I practically tackled hi

This is just what I need A weekend away fro city, the constant pressure of lining uppractically before I’ve even finished the former, and even just the noise My aparts, above a bar that doesn’t close until 2am (and doesn’t quiet down until at least 4am) on the weekends, not tothe day

I like keeping busy, but not at the expense of my sanity

A whole weekend to time traditions, with three whole days to shoot to my heart’s content, and plenty of tie, breathe the freshwith all the locals out here

I can’t wait

Frooing to love Bailey It’s got that European old world feel to it, with stone cottages as far as the eye can see, and even a cobblestoned street in the center of town lined with cheerily-painted shop fronts in a pastel rainbow of colors The trees that line the narrow streets are in full bloo the usual poplars and maples

It takes my phone a fewthe little hotel in the center of town I’ve booked for the weekend takes a full two minutes—but I don’t even mind It’s nice to be a little disconnected for once I have the perfect excuse if anyone tries to bug me over the next few days “Sorry, no service!”

Finally, theover ly narrow alleys until I get to a street that’s pedestrian only, at the end of which there’s a view of theup tents and food trucks for the upco festival I spy more than a few beer tents, not toover an open fire somewhere in that direction

My hotel is right on the corner, the perfect location for darting in and out in between shooting the festival and events around it As I stroll up to the entrance, a short man in a red hotel unifor

“Checking in?” he calls, before I’ve even reached the entrance “Let me help you with that”

“Thank you,” I tell hi off my shoulder It’s only the essentials, since I’ most of my camera equipment with me too, so that really adds up

“Wo long are you here for, the wholeunder one arm

“I wish” I laugh “Sadly, just for the festival”

“Up fro upunder his arm

“How could you tell?” I joke, with a glance down atpencil skirt and my work blouse—I’ht from the office today, but it really makesjeans and flannel,dress, loose and deliciously co

“You’re not the first to check in today,” he reassures me, “and you definitely won’t be the last It’s crazy—uests hereonto a bellhop cart with coh, around the festival?” He gesticulates wildly “Sold out, every single room”

“How aze around the lobby It’s adorable, just like the rest of this village The floor is parquet, the walls adorned with full-length er than it is Between the ht out of a 1920s as lamps, like the kind I’ve seen in photos from London or 1800s period pieces, stand out above the

the whole lobby a cheery yellow

Even so, I can only see two rooms down on this floor, one tucked away behind the staircase that spirals up to the second story

“Twenty-two in total,” he says as I pass hiin the check-in process “Plus a garden rooy,” he adds

I smirk “I live in the city, trust me—I understand that code”

He sighs “That’s my room, of course”

I grimace in sympathy “Does it at least come with the job?”

“It does, though they definitely deduct the rent from my salary toof empathy “Ah well, can’t complain This town really is my favorite spot in the world You’ll see what I ”

“It’s that good, huh?” I reach out to taketheh the double doors toward the town square I am excited to peruse the tents out there, for sure I plan to eat h as many food trucks as I can this weekend, not to mention sa, after I’ve got enough pictures for the day

“I don’t want to oversell it, but…” He flashes me a wink “It’s the best weekend of the year”

Just then, a breeze hits us, as another traveler swoops into the lobby