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Today is one of those days when I realize that staying friends with e mistake

I’m at the baby shower for Ana-Sofia, Owen’s wife andnext to her, a place of honor in this circle of bea just as hard as everyone else Harder, even, ive at work quite often, especially as et et more jealous But this smile, the baby-shower smilethis is superhuman, really

I know that co today is incredibly pathetic, don’t worry It’s just that I didn’t want to seeh I’m pretty sure I am bitter, at least a little After all, I’ht it up, though, Owen said he wasn’t sure the tiht, and he loved our life the way it was

Yeah So That turned out not to be quite true, but we did stay friends Cohpathetic

However, I woke up thisat the shower Ana-Sofia inspires people Plus, I’ out of the city, so for the past three weeks, I’ve been trying to eat or give away every morsel of food in ure out an excuse that people would buy Better to be an oddity here than Poor Jenny at hoh a box of Wheat Thins of indetere

Ana-Sofia opensApril Liza,Santas are an affront to the party vibe, which Liza noted on the invitations

In an effort to create a beautiful and harmonious environe color sche choices

Only in Manhattan, folks I’er to Liza, who used to bewith her BFF, Ana-Sofia

“Oh! This is so lovely! Thank you, Jenny! Everyone, look at this! It’s beautiful!” Ana-Sofia holds up asps and ht the best present I cock an eyebrow at the haters Suck it up, bitches My gift was actually dashed off last night, as I kind of forgot to buy a present, but they don’t have to know that

It’s a white satin baby blanket with leaves and trees and birds stitched into it Hey It only tooka deal I sew for a living A wedding-dress designer The irony is not lost on me

“Couldn’t you have just bought a stuffed animal like a normal person?” murmurs the person on my left Andreas—born Andrew—ht ner bridal wear? Also, he hates and fears children, which makes him the perfect date for me under the circumstances I needed an ally

Have Iheld in the apartment I once shared with Owen? Where, so far as I could tell, he and I were extre, but the poent out in her apart her new glass countertops—granite being so very last decade—and so we’re here instead Liza is sweaty and loud, rightfully worried about being judged on her prowess as hostess This is the Upper East Side, after all We’re all about judgment here

The gifts—including raved from Crane’s—asked, at the behest of the parents, for donations to the clean-ater charity Ana-Sofia founded—Gushingorg, the nas to mind a particularly bad menstrual period, but which raises funds for wells in Africa Yeah Therefore, everyone donated fat checks and tried to outdo each other with gifts There’s a Calder mobile A 1918 edition of Mother Goose stories A mohair Steiff teddy bear that costs about as much as the rent on e

My gaze drifts across the now-tastefully furnished apartment When I lived here, it was cozier and boho—fat, comfortable furniture; dozens of pictures of et, that bastion of color and joy for the middle class Now the decor is incredibly tasteful, with African inal paintings fro neutral colors with sexy naham Cream, Icicle

There’s their wedding photo They eloped, so thank God I didn’t have to go to that—or, heaven forbid, ohich I would’ve done if asked, because I’ure out how to divorce hih the photo was taken by the justice of the peace in Maine, it’s perfect Both bride and groohtly turned away fro in the sea breeze The New York Times featured the photo in the Sunday Vows section

They really are the perfect couple Once, it en and ht ere pretty great We never fought My mom felt that since Owen is half-Japanese, he was a better bet than “those simpletons” I dated—all of who with Nico Stephanopolous in eighth grade “The Japanese don’t believe in divorce,” Moht, Owen?”