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Chapter 1


“C’ to come with us, but you never actually do it”

Of course I didn’t sneak out with Carrie to ed out of the foster syste to rock the boat Carrie wasn’t able to understandkicked out My foster parents were her real parents—so I hadn’t had since I was ten and mine had died in a car crash They’d both been only children of older parents, and they’d left hoet an abortion instead of having one, there had been nobody to take me in

After being bounced around to a few different foster homes—a couple of which were decent, but one that wasn’t—I’d come to live with Carrie’s family when I was thirteen Ever since then, I’d been onthat the safety I’d found there could be ripped from me at any moment

“Felicity!” Carrie snapped, sto to me?”

“Yes,” I lied

“Then get up, get dressed, and put some make-up on”

“Carrie,” I groaned, burying my head in my pillow

“I don’t want to hear it,” she snapped “My parents are going to be out super late tonight They just left for dinner in don Seattle, and they’re going to a late shoith friends afterwards You don’t have any excuse not to coone”

I rolled over and looked up at her She was probably right Ever since she’d turned eighteen a o, they’d been a lot more lenient Plus, the last time they’d done dinner and a shoith friends, they hadn’tI’d been feeling a bit restless lately, so I decided to take the risk since it seeo”

“And you’ll let me pick out an outfit for you?” She blinked down ateyes

If I was going to break the rules, I’dmy best “Sure Why not?”

It was a decision I caed the botto to preventout of the top “I cannot believe you talkedthis dress”

She shrugged her shoulders “It worked, didn’t it? We look hot enough that they let us walk right in without asking for ID”

“Yeah,” I sighed, already wishing I’d just stayed home instead I felt horribly out of place, even surrounded by Carrie and her friends There were a lot more men than woed there Even if we’d been twenty-one, we still would have been the youngest people there Not that it stopped guys fro to pile up in on the table in front of me as I sipped at a diet soft drink

“Then stop co and enjoy yourself,” she told me before she focused her attention back on her friends

Their conversation drifted arounduy staring at uy with hair so dark it looked almost black and eyes to match Eyes that were heated and locked on my face

“Holy shit,” I breathed out He was too far away to hear me, but his lips tilted up in humor as if he had The dark scruff on his face didn’t hide the smile

I quickly looked away, unsure of how to react Boys hit onbeyond innocent flirting But this was no boy—he was allme had me hot and bothered I took a sip ofat me He was dressed in a three-piece suit that looked like it had been designed for his body It probably cost twenty ti One that I’d had to borrow from Carrie

I , but I wasn’t duave hiaze away from him, and leaned over to whisper in Carrie’s ear “I’ to the bathroorab an Uber home”