Page 31 (1/2)
Laurelyn Prescott
I aht froeles was fine The layover was tolerable, thanks to the airport bar But the last leg of our flight to Australia is beco minute
I try to calculate how er it is until we land in Sydney My exhaustion makes it difficult for me to do the simple equation in my head, but it looks like it’s still alround beneath h and tell myself to be patient I’ve made it this far I can take another two hours I ht?
I look atin the seat next to ht, leaving me to entertain myself She offered to share her Valiu
I climb over Addison and take a walk up and down the aisle to stretchto rab my e-reader and pick up where I stopped on the slutmance I’d started earlier Only at chapter six and of course, the wouy but is in denial How typical
Chapter twelve is winding dohen the pilot announces that we’ll be landing in Sydney in ten hty tale away and nudge her, knowing it will take the next ten -induced slumber
“Wake up, Addison We’re almost in Sydney”
She barely stirs so I nudge her again “Addison Get up We’re in Sydney You need to get buckled for the landing”
She lifts her head and stares at htens in her seat and takes a s “Wow, that went faster than I expected”
“I guess so since you were in a freakin’ coest thirteen hours of ht because I was too busy wondering if ere going to end up being shark food” That came out a little pissier than I’d intended
“Well, there’s no reason to be miserable when you don’t have to be You should’ve taken a happy pill and then ht now” She won’t have to offer twice on the flight home three months from now Lesson learned
Buckled into ainst pave e’re safely on the ground I’ off this plane
We collect our three e and take a seat in the terht With an hour layover, I decide to visit the airport bar “I’rab a much-needed and well-deserved toddy”
Addison’s phone rings and I recognize her brother’s ringtone Before she answers, she givessecurity for you” I don’t reply in words but esture I have for her
The airport bar isn’t far froet you?” I s, but I know I’m in Australia when I hear his accent
“I’d like sohter flavors”
He serves ood