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I shouldn't have been able to get away

That was all I could think as I hauled ass through the underbrush inside the front gate There was no good reason I was able to slip out unseen I should have still been tied tightly to the bed The door should have been locked There should have been ate Even though there was a serious hurricane going on V didn't give a fuck about his et tossed from the roof and become splattered, twisted versions of their former selves on the driveway and all he would say was he needed the mess cleaned up That human remains didn't exactly help the curb appeal

I shouldn't have been able to get away

I checked behindme back to hell Then I rushed forward, hit the button, half hidden by a stupid ornaate slid open


I was almost free

I rushed to the car closest to the gate,on it I wrenched open the door, praying, not so silently praying that the keys were in it The keys were always in the cars Because no one would ever think of stealing froht

“Please god Please god Please god”



I ju the key, and flooring it

I didn't look back

I couldn't

I should have taken so the fortress that had beenaway But I couldn't look If I looked, the fear would co I wouldn't have been able to keep going

So I keptthe car on the road despite the wind thrashing into it, despite the rain pelting so hard on the windshield that the wipers couldn't even make visibility an option

I just had to keep going

As far as I could get

Lose the car

I had to lose the car

But I had no money No ID

I couldn't call anyone I couldn't rent a car I couldn't even pay a cab

But I would have to lose the car

If I stayed in it, I was a target

Hell, knowing V's paranoia, the fucking car probably had a locator device thingy on it So he could knohere his men were at all times


I could be tracked anywhere

The car needed to go


I just had to get back to soht diner or store or soive me a ride Or money for a pay phone God, were there even payphones anywhere any a cell phone so I had never even thought to look for such a thing But nity And copious amounts of my blood

“Think ahead,” Ito shake the ood I lived through it That was all that et away And I had to get away Because if they found ed me back