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Chapter 1

If you’re hungry, never go to the supermarket You’ll wind up with a bunch of shit you don’t need ASK ME HOW I KNOW!

-Text from Piper to Phoebe


“Gonna miss you, Piper!”

I looked back and waved at the only friend that I’d met, and continued to be able to tolerate, at the German Army base

Jillian gaveback toward the front door where I’d been let off

I continued through the line of people,my way to where I was informed to wait

It didn’t take long, and soon I was sitting in the chair next to the largethat looked out over the tarmac

I shivered slightly and wrapped

I was joining a returning troops transport back stateside, and the last thing I wanted to do was sit here any longer than I had to

Then again, I was told that I was lucky to get the transport back ho until Monday like the rest of the world, seeing as a hell of a snowstorh our part of Germany

“A rare spring snowstorm,” I’d been informed by not one, not two, but fifteen individuals on the way to the transport this

Honestly, I was glad to be leaving

As much as I loved the weather here in Geret my thin Texas blood back to where it was accliree su with any type of snowstorms

Pulling out an to read my latest book

It was nearly an hour later when I was finally called to begin boarding the plane

I sahat the hold-up was the h to the plane

The hold-up being a shirtless, beautifullyon the plane ere literally in the process of boarding

“What do you think?” I heard one of the uniformed soldiers ask the shirtless man

“I think that y’all should’ve done this before we started loading fuckin’ people onto the plane,” shirtless man said


Was there so with the plane?