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Chapter One
“Sierra Daniels Please stand”
She stood So did Gavin
“Would you like to say anything before we discuss your case?”
Gavin glanced at the istrate “Permission to speak on Sierra’s behalf, Your Honor?”
The aze zoomed to him “And you are?”
“Gavin Daniels, Your Honor Sierra’s father”
“Perranted What’s on your mind, Mr Daniels?”
“I understand that a community service sentence is often handed down in a case like this I agree that it would be a good lesson for hter But I respectfully request you consider an alternative”
“And why is that, Mr Daniels?”
“Because ill beout of state next week” Gavin shot Sierra a harsh look when she opened her mouth
“Next week?” the istrate asked skeptically
“Yes, Your Honor The day of e O’Connor and he granted me sole custody of Sierra at her ally bound to live in Arizona, we’ll becloser to family”
A pause “Where will that be?”
“Sundance, Wyo”
Fro at hiistrate
“In light of this being your first offense, your guilty plea and the security guard recovering the stolen itee—provided you have no contact with the store and you have no subsequent incidents in the next six ed from your juvenile record”
The istrate looked at Sierra “And to be honest…your father forcing you to h”
“I hate you and I’ive you for this! Why are you ruining my life?”
Choking silence filled the air
“You done?” he asked coolly
“Will you change your ?”
“Not on your life, sweetheart”
“Don’t call me that!” She stomped off
He listened to her footsteps fading on the tiled floor, counting out the seconds
Wait for it… Wait for it…
Yep There it was God knows her tantru door slam