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Chapter One

When Elroy noticed the quirky guy in the gray plaid bowtie struggling with a dark green dented footlocker, he was sitting in Harvard Yard under a tall oak, checking out all the guysinto the freshh a section called Old Yard not far froers pressed to his chin

This happened on a brisk Septe heat wave had broken and Elroy wished he’d re a jacket If he had been the type to notice the sis in life, he would have seen a few leaves had already begun to turn and he would have smelled fall in the air

Elroy didn’t care about leaves and trees—or the s but men He cared even less about elasses at a couple of lean, ht chinos and basketball sneakers, wondering if he’d be able to figure out a way to get into their pants that seet the to do anything, the skinny guy in the gray plaid bowtie tripped over his own feet, fell forward into the two guys wearing chinos, and alround

Passersby pointed and murmured to each other

Elroy sat up and gaped at the guy in the bowtie

The guy in the boound up on the grass, hands down His

glasses landed four feet to his left The guy in navy blue chinos jerked forward and caught his balance just in tiuy had landed and said, “Dude What the fuck?”

The guy in the beige chinos punched the guy in the navy chinos and pointed at the poor soul in the bowtie “Look at that fucking bowtie and the short-sleeved shirt,on his chest”

Then they both shook their heads at the aard young man and walked in the opposite direction They didn’t offer to help him up, and they didn’t ask if he’d hurt hiuys walked toward the freshrass for his glasses It was evident he couldn’t see without theuys walk away He licked his lips and lowered his dark glasses to the end of his nose The one in the navy chinos had a sli over sideways Elroy pegged hie chinos had one of those sweet large butts that rounded out and ht about how good he’d look over a barrel with his big thighs spread Elroy slid his bottos he could do to hih Elroy had always considered himself versatile in bed, with a rock-hard bubble butt like that, the possibilities as a top man were endless

When the jocks were out of sight, Elroy glanced back to see what had happened to the goofy skinny guy in the bowtie His footlocker had sprung open during the fall and he was packing his things and trying to close the lid again The faster he worked, the more confused he became His hands s, the worse he made them His face had turned red by then and passersby looked down at hihed