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Chapter One


“Dad, we have to go,” I say, trying to keep uy, Ca at h to know that it’s not a coincidence I don’t want to use the s-word on anyone, but it’s the only one fitting for this guy: stalker

“We’ve just ordered dessert,” Dad protests across the table from me

“We’ll get so a smile “I probably shouldn’t eve have dessert anyway Gotta watch ure”

I stand fro of theto this restaurant, the only place that has table service here It’s always been our spot at thehi It’s surrounded by potted palm trees which provide shade andoutside the walls of the mall

I try not to look over at the hooded figure in the shade across the food court, whose eyes I can feel on ht a sweater or a coat I feel exposed, knowing he’s watching me, like all my parts are on display I cross et Dad to follow me

“Sit down, Marie,” he says “Let’s just relax and enjoy the rest of our lunch together, alright? You’ve only just got back fro up with irl”

There it is ‘My little girl’ It’s the phrase that gets me every time I’e,ood parents, which ive in when they pull out these kinds of stops

I slu to make myself as small as possible

“What’s the matter with you?” Dad asks as I hide ?”

I shakethe days when I couldn’t wait to get away froet embarrassed by my parents”

“Then what’s going on with you?”