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Chapter One

In December of 1813, the officers’ ball had a profound effect on Spindle Cove’s econoe was mostly women, certain commodities ran scarce

Hairpins, for one Ribbons, for another Curling papers came at a premium

And corners Corners were the scarcest thing of all

Because there were only four in any given ballroom, and here in Spindle Cove, so many ladies were drawn to them

As an experienced wallflower, Violet Winterbottouard it

She’d claimed her niche on arrival A cohtly scented with a hanging bayberry wreath and conveniently situated near the bowl of mulled wine

“Why are you hiding in the corner, Violet?” Kate Taylor approached and took her by the arm Lively and sensible, Kate was the Cove’s resident music tutor “It’s Christmas You should dance ”

Violet resisted with a smile “Thank you I’m happy here ”

Kate raised an eyebrow “Are you really?”

Violet shrugged In superficial characteristics, she didn’t fit the wallflower enerous dowry, and she was—if not a legendary beauty—passably fair in candlelight Her acco, but she did speak six es and could read several dead ones She wasn’t clumsy or jaundiced or afflicted with a lisp

And yet…she spent a great deal of time in the corner More than ever, since The Disappointment

“Let’s find you a partner,” Kate said, tugging at her wrist “This gown of yours will look beautiful set off against a militiaman’s red coat ”

“Let her be, Miss Taylor ” Sally Bright joined the us tomorrow ”

Kate squeezed her hand “Dear Violet We’ll miss you terribly ”

“And I’ll miss all of you ”

Her parents had finally lost patience with Violet’s extended absence They wanted to see their youngest daughter settled, and they’d deter Season would be the Season The fae would come for her tomorrow, and Violet would have no choice but to pack all her belongings into it and return to London To her family’s town house Which was so horribly, painfully situated right next door to his

Please don’t let him be home Let him still be oceans away

In a nervous gesture, Violet ran both gloved hands over her emerald silk “My parents want me home with the family for Christmas ”

“Well, that’s nice, isn’t it?” Sally said “We Brights always spend Christuard’s like the ague He has a nasty way of co ’round in winter ”

The Bright fa white-blond hair, and they all worked together to run the village’s All Things shop Sally tended the counter, cheerfully dealing both wares and gossip The eldest, Errol, brought in goods from other towns Twins Rufus and Finn stocked the place while their beleaguered est children Their father was largely absent—and, froathered—not missed

“But Violet, if you’re leaving toht,” Kate said “We should all be dancing My goodness, look at them ”

She gestured toward the far side of the hall There, the assele file, as though it were their solemn duty to buttress the wall They wore lobster-red coats, snohite breeches, gold braid, brass buttons, andexpressions of unease

Kate shook her head “After all the months we’ve waited for this ball, they mean to stand there like beanpoles and stare at us?”

“What were you expecting?” Violet asked

“I don’t know ” Kate sighed “Romance, perhaps? Don’t you ever dreaentleman will suddenly notice you across a crowded ballroom? And he’ll cross the room to you, and ask you to dance, and fall madly in love with you forever?”

Sally shook her head “Never happens in real life Just ask my mother ”

Just ask me, Violet almost said aloud

The drea o A azes with her across a crowded roo to take her hand

But in the end, he had proved to be a disappointment

The Disappointment

“Happy endings do exist,” Kate insisted “You have only to look at Lord and Lady Rycliff for the proof ”

They all turned to admire their hosts Violet had to admit, they were a splendid couple

“It’s so ro the shed wistfully “He’s devoted to her And Susanna is the picture of bliss ”

“Of course she’s happy,” Violet said “Lord Rycliff is a very honorable, very decent entlemen “We all should be so lucky ”

“Perhaps,” Kate said “But what if luck has nothing to do with it? This is Spindle Cove Who says weon theto be noticed and do so ourselves ”

What Violet noticed was a shriek The startled cry pierced the crowded ballroo them all in place

“Dear Lord,” she muttered “What was that?”

“What is that?” Kate asked

The other guests pressed to the edges of the ballroo what Violet could not see A set of doors that opened onto the garden had been flung open

A figure stood silhouetted in the entry Tall Dark Menacing

Theat their sides Violet would have felt more reassured if she didn’t know they were orna soft cheese than running an intruder through

As the host, lord, and co officer, Lord Rycliff stepped forward “Who are you?” he demanded “What do you want?”

No answer