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Chapter One


It was a terrible ruckus My fist, co into the cheap plastic casing of the digital alareration, perhaps; I did have thespian blood traipsing through my veins, a trait which helped to no end when it caal career

I genuinely hated being roused before the sun was fully up It went against s that did I tended to go withperfectly, certainly more than most, the difference between morals and ethics Ethics were societal, arbitrarily imposed by people who think they know better than everyone else, which is a trait particularly found aious

Morals, conversely, were a personaltruly immoral indicates soh to choose it over evil A I had been accused of more than once in

I s as they caid system of behaviour that will alork in every situation

Sliding offeven easier than it sounds – I hobbled into the en suite, tastefully tiled in white marble There was a ti irls, and the effort seemed rather worthless

A lot of the guys at the firm had drivers, despite the fact that none of theht of a suited and capped chauffeur standing alongside a fiery apple-red Audi did not have quite the same impact, which was one of the plethora of reasons I drove myself, traffic jams be damned

Meeting with such a fate, despite the early hour, I settled in for the long wait, having been driving long enough to know there was absolutely nothing anyone could do about it, aside fro to clear the three-car pile-up that had caused it It was not quite as surreal as the tanker truck of milk that had flipped on the freeway the month before (now, that was a ht just be out to get me

I pushed a button on the radio A sed from the CD player Within seconds, the confines of the Mercedes were filled with the delicate strains of classical piano

I used to have sex in this car It was a thrill, at first The danger of it all At one point, though, it got to be too ht et a blowjob en route, either to their place or mine, but that here I drew the line

I got h sex, anyway I couldn’t fully explain it, but women just seemed to come to me I could flirt with the best of theh out of anyone I talked to, even at a funeral reception That was likely part of it, as well as the fact that I was young, obscenely rich, absurdly well-educated, and wore charm like it was a fashionable hat

What ever the reason, I was never alone at night if I didn’t want to be, so Of course, with numbers like that, news of ive a shit about other peoples’ opinions of ht have been embarrassed

As it was, I had long ago accepted my dos that annoyed h only a little, were the assumptions that canorance orto visit h for me to notice

There was probably an assu unsuspecting wos, though only on people who liked it; the whole business is more about the shared connection than the pain For me, it was about control

I never hit the women I slept with I didn’t have to, but I also didn’t want to I would be gentle with the vanilla types, and rougher with the ones ere into that In every case, their utter physical suboal

A lot of them told me that they liked it; the surprise in their tone and on their faces was truly priceless, especially if it was clear that they were the sort to blush at the very ins – and they remained so unless they specifically told me otherwise; it was neither a particular turn-on nor a deal-breaker for s as they came and made the best of it; those were the words I did my best to live by