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Chapter One


“WHY ARE YOU here again?”

Stretching e recliner that I’m slouched in as I speak No e at the Paleret comfortable

Shifting again, I lace ers behind e of lossy hair and pluood vien the front of her slinky dress, she trails a scarlet tipped fingernail over h my skin

I like it I also like the vien her dress, even though I know that theto remain passive, I place h and squeeze once, just enough to make my point

Her eyes flash with heat, andbetween us is a gaerous one, but one that we’ve played since o

“You’re going to make me think you don’t love me” Those perfect lips of hers, painted with man-killer red, turn down in a pout that makes me picture them wrapped around my erection

“I don’t” I’m satisfied by the flicker of pain in her eyes, pain that she smoothes over effortlessly

The cruel streak in s The rest of s for my stepsister And the ones that I do have mostly center around her tits and the heated space between her legs Not that I’ve ever sampled the latter, of course

There are some lines that even I won’t cross

“What a thing to say, when I came to see you off properly” Her lips find the tauther astride my lap I want to unzip my pants and shove inside of her without any foreplay at all, and I want to find s that have taunted e at an airport, and that there are at least a dozen other people around us

Only the thin sliver of humanity that remains inside of me, the tiny shard thatit That, and the fact that if I do the dynae irrevocably, in ways that I don’t want

So thoughon my neck—wants her mouth toforith a jolt

She frowns Still, undeterred, she reaches out, runs a hand through my hair

“Thejust won’t be the salossy red lips “You kno I love it when you lead board s All that raer”

“You’ll handle it just fine” Sh she pretends that all she wants is to get her hands on me, we both know that it’s Benenati Enterprises that she really loves the coenerates

She would probablyhonest, which I rarely aer for power that Ee my father left behind in the empire that he built feel too heavy for me to carry

Which is why I’ to board our family’s private plane, which will take me to one of our vacation ho I can to avoid theseby phone whenever possible