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Will Franconi gunned the engine of his classic 1970 Dodge Challenger and the rush of speed exploded through his veins

He had built a billion-dollar luxury goods business by respecting his customers, his suppliers, his business partners, and his employees After he’d learned the hard way as a kid how lies and cruelty could ruin a life, he’d worked like hell to turn his own around Today, though hisith a kid instead of a power player, he was just as intent on getting there on time

And if thatthe powerful car even faster, all the better

Jeremy Newman’s letter to Will had been scrawled on spiral notebook paper that looked like it had been ripped out of an ele watched Will’s clip on the TV show Hot Cars, Jeremy had written that he loved cars, had seen every ed to see Will’s collection

The boy’s longing had touched so in Will that he couldn’t define And only a total jerk would say no

Powering into the turn off the freeway, his tires spat gravel while the back end held firates of the municipal airport on the San Francisco Peninsula The speed sent another rush through him—a rush that he’d always needed, lately more than ever

Down the row of hangars, the two specks ahead coalesced into a woer, too—a teen The boy was bouncing on his feet with nervous energy

Will had been expecting an eight-year-old Could this teenager be Jereas and tapped the brakes, slowing as individual features came into focus The two had sier had brown hair, the woman was blond, and not out of a bottle, either

Rolling to a stop beside the to do with his earlier burst of speed It was all about her—the lush lips, the blond hair cascading in waves over her shoulders, and the business suit that failed to disguise her sweet curves She wasn’t dressed Saturday casual the way Will was, but all straitlaced and buttoned up The hair gave her away, though, flowing free and sexy in the breeze blowing off the bay

“Mr Franconi, Mr Franconi!” The teen began waving his arripped an orange spiral notebook, shaking it wildly It could very well have contained the torn-out page Will had in his jeans pocket