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“Link Prez needs to see you,” Dax, the Silver Saints MC Sergeant at Arms, informed me as he poked his head into my office I liftedirl Who wasn’t really a baby anymore Especially now that she had a man

“I’ve got to run,” I told her, “but I expect regular check-ins froot a man in your life, none of this a couple of tiet the chance to meet him in person, I want to see your pretty face every day”

Her boyfriend, Kace, nodded, seeot it”

I didn’t like the fact that irl was suddenly serious with aabout However, from the short time we’d spoken on this video call, I’d been i told

Dax lared at him

I winked at hter “Love you, sweetie”

“I love you, too, Daddy,” Larissa said right before I ended the call

“What is so fucking irumbled as I tucked my phone into the pocket of my jeans I shut down my computer and pushed my chair back from my desk

Dax shrugged “Dunno They just said to get your ass in there pronto” He squinted at ?” Then he chuckled at his own stupid joke

I rolled my eyes and flipped him the bird before I stalked into the hall I was treasurer for the Silver Saints MC, and I was da with numbers had always come easily to me, and I’d made the club a shit ton of cash fro as how the club gave me a cut of all the net profits and a salary, I had no need to steal