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I’ me

Ever get that feeling? Like bugs crawling on your neck, or a tiny needles pricking you froe to turn around and face whatever it is?

I’ me the hell out

Today of all days, I don’t need to be stressed out

I glance down at my watch Already five minutes late, and still twoand scraping against my feet, by the way

I’ve got an interview at the InFini Headquarters A big one My first “real” job

Hopefully I’ll be able to hold it together in this interview I’ myself I just need to be myself, show the too e

But actually, before doing any of those thingsI need to deal withex

I quicken lance overthe traffic or so

Yep, there he is

He’s trying to play it stealthy, like he’s in so in with the crowd are laughable He sticks out like a sore thu to do the opposite I’lasses, hat pulled down over his eyes, ducking behind trees

God, Peter, give me a break

Pete’s o well—or rather, I should say, it didn’t go well for his between us, once I finally ca asshole, as bad in bed, and even worse in social situations

Yeah, I don’t knohy it took hteen hteenback

How should I deal with him today?

I could conore him, pretend I didn’t see him Maybe that would be for the best, because attention is exactly what he wants from me

But what if he follows me into the job interview and creates a scene? Not even nepotish to do it