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No Daed Goods Nicole Snow 13280K 2023-08-29


All for a Lark (Peace)

You know, I don’t nor skills

If I did, I wouldn’t be me

My dad used to call me a flower on the wind

Maybe I’ile and have a hippie name—

But that just h, drift into the sky, and let every gust take s

That’s what sentout of Oahu

What sent o, and lately Denver

What putadventure

…and what’s currently left me stranded on the side of the road on a ree

Freezing my butt off, with no way to warm up except for my old clunker of a van

Which is currently on fire, belching plumes of thick, dark smoke up into the sky


Sometimes when you’re a flower on the wind, you find yourself adrift on a beautiful sea

And soe fire, desperately flailing to alter course but sinking deeper anyway

It’s my own fault

I’o for a drive after dinner, packing upup in the Mystery Machine

Honestly, my ride’s probably even older than that technicolor beast in the cartoon, but it’s served me well

Until now

I’d been puttering along just fine, listening to some local radio station and this really weird little show

At first, I thought it was a variety show, but it turned out to be so it had a ware

He sounded like he laughed a lot And he’d sure as hell been laughing when so for advice on what to do if a wo her underwear—to wear them

He’d been gentle as he’d said, “Maybe get used to sharing, rin in his voice as he’d said it “We ain’t quite onna stretch yours pluh”

Most guys would’ve al, that kind of thing