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It was inescapable

Absolute rest

That hat the doctor had ordered Which was bullshit Miles Henry Hollingsworth wasn’t aBut his mother and sister had been concerned, and he knew that they would badger him endlessly if he didn’t take that prescribed “ when it ca the two most important women in his life

Which hy he had finished any outstanding business and left his COO,

Bryan Yoshida, in charge of Hollingsworth Holdings Inc Miles’s younger brother, a recently prorow and learn, but Miles had been reluctant to give hieven the slightest control to anyone else Bryan was Miles’s ue The h

Consequently, Miles had boarded the corporate jet and fourteen hours later, here he was, at his isolated holiday home on the Garden Route in the Western Cape of South Africa It was after three in thewith rain and colder than a witch’s tit, but the weather suited his one to his villa on the Amalfi Coast, but the Western Cape in winter was exactly what he was looking for He knew the nearby tourist toould be quiet at this time of year, and he would be alone but for the staff he kept on retainer

The only individuals hoardener; his driver, George Clark; and the dour live-in housekeeper, Mrs Cole The woman had worked and lived there for nearly three years, and nobody knew much about her other than she kept to herself for the ic, and excelled at wish fulfile it

Recouarded her jealously This house was more hers than his She lived here full-time, while he visited once or twice—if he was lucky—a year There really was no need to have her here all year round but for the fact that Miles was afraid he’d lose her to a better position if he offered her only part-time employment He’d rather pay her handsomely and retain her services full-time than lose her When he found someone he could trust to do a job the way he wanted it done, he’d move heaven and earth to secure their loyalty

He had forgotten to let her knoas co, but he had faith that Mrs Cole wouldn’t miss a step The house would be fully stocked and operational in no time at all

God, he was exhausted

His arrival to the house was quiet and there was no sign of Mrs Cole when he disabled the alare While Miles thought nothing of waking her, he didn’t feel like interacting with anyone at the