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My Son’s Sitter Amy Brent 14080K 2023-08-29

Chapter 1: Clayton

If I didn’t know any better, I would say that the city is shedding grey flakes of its skin

I ith one leg thrown in front of the other, not fixing hts hold sway In just a fewI’ve been trying to avoid for the past seven years But there’s only so long that I can argue with my poor overworked mother before I had to even admit it to myself: I need the help

It hasn’t been easy staying focused onfor school, and I’ve had h of a taste of daycares in this area to know that they weren’t for us

With “Briar tree Daycare”, the two bue somehow allowed hbouring forest It’d taken hours before he was recovered The next one, “Cheery Seven Day Program”, wasn’t much better Turns out the kids there had a penchant for sociopathy, and several of theood five e had noticed And the last, “Gage Drive”, which I’d tried against o-lucky play place where all the children sat around listlessly, wiggling toy tigers and lions Winston had actually fallen asleep Yes, I’ to let my son near any of that anymore I don’t care about the cost, mentally or physically

He deserves better It’s not his fault that hisaddict who ran off, or that his dad is a workaholic who needs to find the next big thing

The longer it’s taking ure out

Sure, the Tickling Tots ani the iven me more than my fair share of success For the last three years it has been sold out in toy stores across the nation But I can’t rest onforis on the wall — it’s da else

But all that doesn’t matter ifwith Winston and keep my business afloat So, there it is I need a nanny Besides, if my mom of all people is okay with it, I should be too

As I approach, I allow my eyes to rest affectionately on the cobblestone façade of my house Here has always been more of a home to me than that old severe red-prick prison I lived in with ether

When I go inside, , pressing her rosy lined face into my shoulder

As she pulls away, she gives me a stern smile

“I would tell you good luck, but you won’t need it Rehest recommendations”