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Chapter 1

Jovana was beautiful Xenides hated her If not for a coiven by his now-deceased sire, Xenides would have killed her long ago Instead, Saxom had instructed his eldest to keep Jovana alive and hidden, as she ainst the Vampire Council

"You should do this for rowled Xenides sat on a Louis XVI sofa in Jovana's private quarters Jovana's Paris apartment was tastefully decorated in antiques, s throughout his lengthy life and now Jovana had enough to keep her into the next century She wasn't satisfied with that, however She had expensive tastes and only wore the best in designer clothing Therefore, she often agreed to the odd assignment for Xenides For a healthy fee, of course

"Our sire is dead and coaze out aEvenings in Paris appealed to her and were the deciding factor in her choice of living quarters Lucius had taken her for his lover long ago, and he'd never informed anyone that Jovana wasn't susceptible to coether he and Jovana had killed Lucius before Saxoly to the turn—after all, her beauty was fading away and she worried that Lucius would leave her behind She'd risen a Queen Vampire, just as Saxo for more than two hundred years

"Jovana, our sire left e of his wealth for a reason," Xenides pointed out maliciously

"So you could keepback to her va "He kneould walk away from you and your foolishness if he didn't"

"You could sell what you own and keep yourself for a very long time," Xenides snapped

"Of course I will not sell s This is mine," Jovana swept out a hand "And I deserved a fair share of our sire's wealth when he died You refused to give it to me"

"I will pay for your services as always, Jovana," Xenides sighed "Howthe little princess?"

"You should be glad I have no feelings for you, Xenides," Jovana huffed "Else I would be quite jealous You talk of her too often"

"You have no reason to be jealous I only wish to utilize her talents, as you are so reluctant to do so"

"Of course I anorance in this quest You should allow me to kill the little bitch and be done with it"

"You will not kill her, and avenging our sire's death is not ignorance," Xenides hissed, his eyes turning so deep a red they were nearly black

"No need to be angry, Xenides I will do this for you" Jovana inspected a well-nment"

"Then I suggest you don't spend it in one place, Jovana As soon as I have the little female under compulsion, you and I will part ways"