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Chapter 1

"Lissa, this is Brock" My surrogate sire, Merrill (as handso blue eyes), introduced me to a vampire as perhaps an inch taller than his own six-three I'd been called into Merrill's overly large kitchen for the introduction Franklin stood at the stove nearby, preparing dinner for himself and Lena, Merrill's housekeeper

Brock's scent told me immediately that Merrill hadwho'd sired whom If I'd met the sire, that is Perhaps I would tell Merrill of this particular ability sohtly when I infore of any vae, mind you, but I could certainly tell which ones were older and which younger Brock wasn't nearly as handsouessed the tall, brown-eyed vampire to be around a hundred, perhaps a little htest ones I'd encountered a vampires Even Charles' was heavier and spicier

"Hello," I held out , so I was taking a chance When Brock sh of relief

"Brock is here to teach you to take blood properly," Merrill said,for us to follow hi for a moment and winked at me before I followed obediently behind Merrill and Brock Our destination was Merrill's study, where most of my lessons took place

"Re," Merrill instructed, so I stood behind my favorite chair, which faced his beautiful, hand-carved, cherry wood desk My favorite chair was the wingback on the left I don't knohy I preferred it to the one on the right; both were spaced evenly before Merrill's desk and were identical as far as I could tell "I taught Brock how to take blood properly," Merrill went on, "so he will be taking fro you not only how to do it for yourself but what happens with the bite when it comes This will enable you to take properly if you find it necessary and no bagged blood is available"

Merrill's words made me want to shrink away froe anyway—and that resulted in ht of being bitten frightenedti the reactions of others, vampires included I was a new turn and most likely an open book "Lissa, he will not harh to offend both Merrill and Brock Drawing a steadying breath, I straightened up immediately

"I really won't hurt you," Brock said gently, atterin but that didn't help much I didn't know this man—or vampire At all

"Now," Merrill began, "if the donor seems reluctant, you must place compulsion"

Brock's eyes met mine as he tookto fear" His weak compulsion washed over ht Obviously, oing to point that out to him or to Merrill

"Now, you ainst yours and hold it securely," Merrill explained Brock pulled ainst his with one hand while the other cupped the back of rasp

"Next," Merrill continued while pointedly ignoring my silent alarm, "you may choose to place a kiss Your saliva holds just a bit of natural anesthetic, so any initial pain may be muted" Brock placed a careful kiss over the artery in ainst ainst his The kiss, as careful as it was, did nothing to allay ainst an unknown vampire He held power over me—they all did It terrified me

"The bite cos into my throat I stiffened as I felt his teeth enter asm I'd ever experienced washed over me before blackness descended

"Lissa? Wake up, child," Merrill slapped my wrist Franklin was there as well, I could tell by the scent He was also the one washing my face with a cold, wet cloth My eyes blinked open and I stared at Merrill and Franklin both