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For themost certainly is not I have to thank , a talented, witty lady who always keeps ht You’ve made me a better writer, friend Thank you

Moreover, thank you to Viviana Varona for giving Killian and Skylar’s story that final look-through, ensuring I’ their love story out into the world as polished as can be

This is a story I beca The world around me ceased to exist until all of Skylar’s tale spilled out of ertips In order to have that kind of extraordinary alone ti care ofin another universe I love you all Thank you for understanding!

And thank you toall the little things and supportingYou’re my Rockstar

The life of a writer doesn’t stop with the book Our job expands beyond the written word to e way Thank you to er PR KP, you make my life easier! Thank you for all you and your team do!

And thank you to every single blogger, instagrammer and book lover who has helped spread the word about my books You all are appreciated so much! On that note, a massive thank you to all the fantastic readers in roup Sam’s Clan McBookish You make me smile every day!

Moreover, thank you to Hang Le You create the most beautiful art and the cover for AS DUST DANCES is no exemption It’s one ofat it It fits Skylar’s story so perfectly

And thank you to Christine Borgford at Type A For this book look stylish for my readers

As always, thank you toit possible for readers all over the world to find rateful for you

Finally, to you est thank you of all

Glasgow, Scotland

MY MUSIC FILLED THE AIR, creating a surrounding bubble of e to me in so many ways

It was an overcast day on Buchanan Street The gray clouds silvered the blond buildings and dulled the boldness of the red sandstone architecture thaton the hfare in the city center, I stood far enough from the shop entrance behind h out that I’d feel in the way of shoppers passing by I playedUnlike soular basis, I didn’t have their fancy portable PA systems with amps andto draw people in

I never felt like a nuisance busking in Glasgow It was the only tier to me and I to it I felt like a part of a city that loved its ow’s skin, music was its heartbeat While I’d made peace with the idea that life had brokena beat in the rhythow’s soul smoldered within me

So upbeat and decided to do a twist on a well-known pop or dance song, I’d draw in a crowd That was usually on a Saturday, like today, when people were shopping and feeling relaxed, where they weren’t rushing past on their lunch break to get back to work

Mostly, however, people either kept walking on by, or they dropped souitar case as they briskly ular workers who dropped the change in like it had become a habit Not that I minded Unlike those buskers with their fancy PA systeet found” on the streets of Glasgow by having my bestie film me on his camera phone and upload it to my YouTube channel