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Chapter One

New York City

“Holy shit,” Novah whispered, leaning into rown up!”

I rolled ht?”

“I’ve only seen hiraced with the younger duke’s cohty presence”

“He’s not a duke yet That happens when his old raced with that dick’s presence He’s arrogant and so rich it’s made him beyond stupid, and he walks with a per qualities whatsoever,” I snapped and folded erate my point

The object of our s hovered in the doorway to the conference roo with Sally, our editor, and Henry Sinclair II, his father Or, as his father was better known, King Apparently, it was quite the a the British elite Oh, how they must have chortled at the “cheeky” reference to their -class worker bees, calling hi Sinclair just , too full of his own importance

“Well I, for one, wouldn’tinto those khakis the duke trainee wears so well and deep fishing for said pole in his pert, tight posterior, if you knohat I mean”

I took hold of Novah’s arm and met her eyes with my most serious expression “It’s irre deep You’ll need a fucking crane to hoist it out A crane, Novah”

Novah waved her hand in front of her face “Jeez, Faith Even that i” She whistled low “I could never be that close to his peach of a tush I’d end up biting his firive it a swift lick I’ my distance so as to not be arrested”

“You’re sick” I shtly

“I never claimed otherwise”

“Right,at the front of the roorew silent Our editor clapped her hands with iood look on her She appeared constipated whenever she atte a mild-to-medium case of hemorrhoids

“Today’s a big day here at Visage”

I heldinto the veryHenry “Harry” Sinclair III stepping out fro into a death grip on the arms of my chair I looked up toward the heavens God, I knoe’re not always on the best of ter far too , but please, please, please, do not say he is here for—

“As youa step back fro solely on his British investe, but he has decided to start delegating the US enterprises to his son, Henry Sinclair Junior”

I closed h at this revelation “So today I have the great pleasure to welcoazine and the New York Journal and everything that falls under that impressive umbrella” The people in the conference room broke out into somewhat enthusiastic applause, and I reluctantly opened my eyes I’d hoped if I kept them closed, this would somehow turn out to be a bad dreaht into Henry’s or, as I liked to call him, the eternally entitled ball-sack

Fuck my life What had we mere mortals done in the world to deserve three of these Henry Sinclair jerks on the planet? His father was an asswipe of the highest order, and I’d heard the grandfather, who’d created the erandson had apparently followed suit Henry didn’t smile at me His nostrils flared and his lip curled up I wasn’t sure if he was silently passing gas or exposing the fact that he disliked me as much as I disliked him

King Sinclair nudged his son from his malevolent reverie Henry pulled his hands from his pockets, nodded curtly, and instantly became the leader I was sure he had been , I’m Henry Sinclair, but please call me Harry Only my teachers ever called me Henry” He smirked a little at that I blinked slowly in confusion I had never seen him smile This was a barely-there smile and, no matter how brief it was, it indicated Harry wasn’t always the dour bastard he appeared to be