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“I’m not sure I can do this,” I tell the wo in front of me

I’ in a warehouse, surrounded by boxes, while o off, anticipating my death

“It’s too dangerous Besides, putting h, I probably don’t really care about anyone in o to hell

Solana paces the floor, a gun in each hand, appearing as though she’s going to shoot iven moment It’s what she has been hired to do “Death can be liberating, Layton,” she says, checking the nuun “You should embrace it”

“I’ht My hands are tied behind ht It’s been only a couple of months since Lola and I shot the Defontelles and she ran off Two et ahat we did Then I was caught

Now I’m here, about to die

“You don’t really have a choice, do you?” Solana asks

The problem is, I’ve known her for a while, which has led us to this little pre-hts about the whole da

“Death is the only way out of this” She lowers her voice “We’ve talked about this already” She pauses in front of usted “Besides, think of Lola If you stay alive, you knoell as I do that they’ll make you kill her”

“But if I die, you’ll kill her”

“Better that I kill her than you, right?”

“Solana …” I try to keep o ith her The woman is dead inside, but that’s how she’s been trained to be “I’ll do this, but only if you promise not to kill Lola”

Solana cocks her head to the side in consideration Then she raises the gun “Fine, I won’t kill her … but Iher close to death You kno these things go” Her lips curve upward, the only s, like she’s not even sure what emotion she feels “Now close your eyes”

I do what she says, countingthis for Lola To protect her To save her Because I love her …

The last thing I picture is Lola’s beautiful face, her seous eyes, the taste of her lips, the feel of her body The girl I’ve loved forever It’s whatoff just a little easier

Chapter 1


I’ out is a shitty life Then again, my life was never full of rainbows and sunshine, ser the world holds when lives center around er that cos first, even when you’re not technically the one seeking them

My father is one of those et it The proble my life at risk because of it Furthers Death

Death is the worst, in my opinion, especially when you cause it, which I have, and now I’ for it

It kills me every day—what I did, the man’s life I took I don’t think I’ve even fully dealt with it, too focused on running, which makes it easier to stay in denial




Run away from your problems

“Lola, you can’t keep going on like this,”she tells me every time I check in

She’s h she doesn’t reood, because I don’t think I’d be able to talk to her as much The painful reminder would be too much

“Going into hiding isn’t going to do you any good,” she continues

“Are you sure about that?” I ask with the disposable phone pressed to my ear, the kind that are harder to track and easier to replace “It ht have saved my mom if she’d done it”

“Honey, I know you think your life is in danger, but your father will protect you”

“My father caused this,” I snap bitterly “Because of him, I have blood on my hands” I peer out theof the apart in for the last twoCold and empty, just like my soul

“I don’t know exactly what happened back in Boston since you won’t tell me, but I know for a fact that your father will protect you, no matter what”

“I don’t want his protection, nor do I trust him”

“Don’t trust anyone,” Layton’s words ring through my mind

I move back to theand sink down on the bed It’s one of the few things I have at themore would be too much to pack around

“I don’t want anything fro inside ofthat seems to be connected toEmotionally detached, I only feel this hollowness inside of me

“Fine, but you still really need to go home, even if it’s just for a day or two You can do it discreetly No one will have to know” There’s so in her voice this ti from me

“Why are you pushing this so hard?” I ask “Isince I took off, but you’re being extra pushy today, so what gives, Glady? Fess up You’ve never been good at keeping secrets”

She sighs “Lola, do you ever check in at home? With anyone?”

Lying down on the bed, I squeeze my eyes shut as I feel an ounce of homesickness; not for my father, but for the few people I do care about My few friends, a couple of uards, Layton …

“No, it wouldn’t be s the people I’d contact”

“What about …? What about Layton? Do you ever talk to him?”

The ounce of hoht-up heartache

“No, he’s the last

person I can contact,” I say, a hint of e into my tone

I h I still have no idea where his allegiances stand, I can’t forget about hiet all the years ere friends

It’s been a couple ht in front of ht he kissed me with desperation then told me to run for my life after we’d both committed murder

“Run away It’s the only way you’ll survive this Run away and never look back It’s what your mother should have done,” were the last words he said to me

I thought about contacting hiit’d be a stupid otten in trouble with Frankie and the Defontelles and is still around Boston, then I know for a fact the Defontelles are watching hiet to me

They know—everyone does—that Layton and I have a history There are so many times I relied on him for help

Like that night

My aunt stays silent for what feels like an eternity The longer it goes on, thefro extremely bad

“Glady, whatever it is, just spit it out” I open

The place I’ in is a real shithole, but nice places aren’t an option anymore Blend in No credit cards Cash only, whichI’ve lived a very lucky, sheltered life

I work two jobs; one as a waitress at a strip club and the other as a night shift cashier at the local gas station in Rapid Falls Minie sucks, but I do what I have to do to survive

“I’m so sorry, Lola,” she whispers hoarsely “But Layton … Layton died about a week ago”

At first, I think I’ve heard her wrong

“Huh? What are you talking about?”
