Page 55 (2/2)

The gun, a nice little Smith & Wesson 38 LadySmith, is tucked into a nice little ankle holster

David opens the back door and shoves Tony in He cliun to rip," he says "A little too fancy for my taste"

I turn it this way and that, adun, Tony"

Movement from the direction of the bar catchesfirst to the right and then to the left

"A friend of yours, Tony?" I ask

Tony doesn't respond

The guy istoward our car He's handsome in an Italian silk suit and slicked-back hair kind of way He's trying to see into the backseat of our car but in the dark, the tinted s are opaque

"I think this is our cue," I say to David, gunning away from the curb

The guy watches us pull away He has an uncertain frown on his face, but he makes no move to rush to follow us I let myself relax and head for the freeway

"Wave good-bye, Tony," I murmur

But once again, there's no response from the backseat In fact, Tony doesn't say a word all the way to the airport He doesn't ask e are or where we're going His lack of concern ives up this easily

There's a coo alht curfew closes our airport It's ten o'clock We'll just have tiht out I stand with Tony near the shuttle bus at the car rental agency, his jacket draped over his shoulders, concealing the cuffs When the doors open, I climb the steps first David prods Tony He takes the first step, stumbles back, knocks David off balance Quicker than I would have thought possible, he head butts David, pushes hi lot

But as fast as he is, I'm faster I hear David behind me, but the adrenaline has kicked in Predator and prey It's instinctive I've got Tony facedown on the asphalt before either of them realizes what has happened I've let the vah away to keep frorowl in Tony's ear and turn his face to look into mine

I don't knohat er cast a reflection I can only feel the change-the heat, the quickening of blood It's been weeks since I've fed My human job has occupied a lot ofelse I didn't realize how intensely the hunger has been building until without conscious effort, my lips curl back from my teeth and a hiss erupts from deep inside

Tony cringes and tries to get away

Fingers like steel close around his arain," I whisper "And I'll tear you to pieces"

His body is rigid beneathof his heart I sh his carotid, just a kiss away at his jawline

A kiss away

David puts a hand on my shoulder and I jump

"Anna, are you all right?"

It takes a couple of heartbeats before I can relax, let go of the bloodlust I compose myself and sit back "I'm fine" My voice is harsh, unsteady Still, I cli Tony up besideto our friend here hoorks" As I speak, I straighten Tony's jacket and pat his shoulder "I think we understand each other now He's not going to give us any more trouble Are you, Tony?"

Tony stares at me, his eyes wide His mouth opens and closes a couple of ti to process what he saw in h to forht

I pat his shoulder again "That's okay, Tony, you don't have to say anything"

David gives him a shove toward the bus "Jesus, Anna," he says "When did you get so fast?"

"I've always been fast You just never noticed"

Tony draws a deep, unsteady breath and moves to David's side He looks up at David and says with pathetic urgency, "Keep her away fro"

I smile Yeah Kind of like