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Chapter One


Caleb parks the car in front of the church, and we sit with it running for a moment Then he turns and looks at h this week has been a sad reminder of what he’s lost, I’ his current state It’s hard seeing a man so broken, especially one who obviously loved his wife very much

“Thanks for co with ling pretty badly to just go through the h

“You’re welcoet it,” I tell him sincerely

His eyes et it?” His harsh question takesan e roup in the first place Or uilt

I suck in a ragged breath, worried he’s calling me out for how I truly feel about Weston’s death, but there’s no way he could know I’ve been vague, hardly h them For a ets thick, the weight of it sitting heavy onthe loss of a man who abused me, and maybe Caleb finally realizes that

“I do get it It may be on a different level, but I understand what it’s like to feel a h for hi down at my phone, I realize we only have a few o inside so we aren’t late”

With a nod, Caleb turns off the engine, and we get out of the car Just one hour of this, then I can go home to Mason, I remind myself

“Do you miss him?” Caleb asks as he opens the door to the church and motions for me to walk in ahead of him I turn and look at hi by Weston’s hands My heart beats erratically, and I try to push away the anxiety threatening to take hold, but I feelmiserably

“I ood ti is held I’ any additional infor to tell ers It’s not easy to explain the e this is , I don’t think I need to do it here