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“And just what do you think you’re doing?” I stayed as far away as possible, not trusting ainst the doorja to tell

The little ih perch on the ladder she’d climbed Her face lit up as soon as she saw that it was I and I felt it in ut, and places south, as usual

Her snored it and kept my facial expression as stern as I could under the circuet the better of e her in her madness

I wanted to walk across the room and snatch her down froetharder these days to keep ive in to the invitation written so plainly in her young eyes

“Oh hi, I didn’t hear you come in And hoas your day?” She sounded so much like a wife She always does the way she looks after htened away from the door but still didn’t venture farther into the room

“I’ll tell you just as soon as you climb down from there” I kept my eyes averted fro away about so her in

Froht orange color, white shirt tied beneath her ae scarf tied around her hair, it wasn’t easy to tell if she was about to clean the roorounds for a picnic

The spot of dust on her nose answered that question and I looked up towards the ceiling to see what it was she’d been cleaning up there “What were you doing up there Lucia?” I had servants enough to clean the rafters if they needed it, so I was sure she was up to so that was sure to make me daft

“Nothing, I just uh… I saw a spot, that’s it, a spot on theup there” What a liar The daround, the house is over three hundred years old, and I’ht mind had ever climbed up there to clean them before

I pretended to believe her as I looked up at the dusty s in the conservatory at the back of my family home “I think you h to hide the shtful little liar