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Part I

The Falling



He smiles that half smile I love so much “You’re kind of beautiful”

I dropfor the seconds to pass before the butterflies in my stomach settle I wait and I wait, but it doesn’t seem to fade It never does when I’m with him

“Riley,” he says, and I can hear his s”

I look up, ready for the onslaught on reen eyes dancing with ahs and moves next to me The warmth of his bare arm wraps around my shoulders “You kno I feel about you but you still look surprised when I tell you Why?”

“Because it still is a surprise to me—that you chose me over—”

He laughs again and settles a hand on“I had no choice,” he cuts in “I’ve alanted you I’m just lucky you let me have you” He runs his lips across ers reach et here?”

Wanting to feelhim He doesn’t falter, not for a second His lips part as they et lost in the familiarity of his kiss Over two years we’ve kissed like this and it only gets better He lies down on the rocky embankment and pulls me with him until I’m on top and his arhtly skihs into lare already in place His eyes are shut tight, his lips pursed, trying to hold in his laughter

“You’re a tease,” I tell hi back down next to him

He shoves his hand down his shorts and adjusts himself “It’s not like we can do s “People can come by at any time”

I raise an eyebrow “So?”

“Riley, you talk a lot of talk but you’d die if anyone caught us in the slightest of co positions”

I roll ht

He waits for ht?”