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My love,

Walk in the rain with

Let ht under the hush of the wind

I’ wishes

I’ only for you Always for you

Come back to me

I’ll fight for you I’ll fight for us

Wish for me, too…and I’ll make it come true

The frayed parched, and I’m very aware that he chose this texture of paper, this color of ink, with careful consideration Because he kno much it means to me Because he knows me Like no else ever has or ever could

I read his words over and over again; long after I have them memorized and they’re burned into my heart and soul, yet I still hold the handwritten note and stare at the words until they blur I can hear his voice saying them; deep, yet soft and sensual Raw

I like touching the paper that I know he held in his hands The hands that had once held nited passion and desire in et And I don’t ever want to

The faint scent of his cologne drifts from the paper Or ined it Either way, it’s co and stirs memories

Reading his words, all the feelings rush back like acid on a wound that won’t heal He’s my other half; the one whothat could possibly be felt – and then soh almost every moment of my life I have no past without him, and no future without him Quite simply, he is my world There is no way I will everto each other I’ve always known it, and I ait – as I’m sure he must be, too

And now after the silence…he still loves me He still believes in us, and his words assureto take on the world for me For us

It’s tio back home to my love and to ive any more up



Kenzi ~ one day old

Toren ~ fifteen years old