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Chapter One

“I CAN’T BELIEVE I let you talkat the black hem of the stretchy nylon skirt my best friend squeezed me into, but unless I want to show the tops ofI can do After casting yet another uneasy glance at the long line of people stretched behind me on the sidewalk, I shift ers and gruings”

Dee just laughs and bats , Ro You’ll thank ht and realize that once, just once,” she shoves her pointer finger in my face to emphasize the lonely number, “you actually flaunted that hot little body of yours before it got all old and saggy”

“I look ridiculous,” I coood measure I look like Dee’s closet drank toothis in to describe—and a hot-pink top that shows al The front of it drapes all the way down to just above my navel, and the bottom exposes a pale sliver of skin between the hem of the shirt and the top of my skirt The hot-pink fabric matches my killer hot-pink heels

Literally, killer Because I know I’ to fall on my face and die

I’uys near us in line leans in close, a jackass smile on his lips “I think you look hot”

Of course he thinks I look hot—I look like a freaking prostitute!

“I have a boyfriend,” I counter, but Dee just scoffs at me

“Sheant sraphic-print tee that , and even Dee can’t help but make a face before we both turn away

She and I are the first ones in line for the show tonight, standing by the doors to Mayhe suht for weeks, but I was more excited about it before my boyfriend of three years had to back out

“Brady is a jerk,” she says, and all I can do is sigh because I wish those two could just get along Deandra and I have been best friends since preschool, but Brady and I have been dating since ether for the past two eous you look tonight, but nooo, it’s alork first with him”

“He moved all the way here to be with ht?”

She gru ers away, she orders, “Stopwith it You’ll smear”

I stare down at ether “Tellthe clumped powder away “Do I look like a clown?”

“You look s hot!” she assures me with a smile “If I was a lesbian, you’d be in trouble!”

I laugh until Douchebag leans in again, popping our personal bubble with his enormously hooked nose “Don’t let that stop you”