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2 Years Prior

“Take the baggie, and put it in Sullivan’s pocket,” My father orders, not even looking up from the papers sprawled across his desk

In his pocket? No way in Hell do I want to get that close to that asshole I’ll try and get Shelby to helpwithin ten feet of him or his brothers

The Bishop Brothers, Sullivan, Oliver, and Banks are the children of Chloe and George Bishop, our rivals They’re disgustingly handsome, filthy rich, and manipulative liars Every occurrence I’ve ever had with the to stab them in the eye with the nearest object

I don’t know exactly when or how it started, all I know is that the hate between our two fa for the last two decades Ever since I can reme to ruin our business, my family’s livelihood

Recently, we had to fire an entire crew right before Christmas A dozen families out of a job before the holidays and all because of them

Who does so they’ve done either, but it is the icing on the cake Lately, their antics have been affectingdown the line and onto our workers I don’t bother to ask what the Bishops have done this tiet even We always do

Sullivan the youngest of the Bishop Brothers is o to the same school, we do occasionally run into each other at events and parties

Usually, I try to avoid hi to the sah school across the county will be there no matter the last name

Tightening ?”

“Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to, Harlow Put the bag in his pocket and I’ll ets done,” My father ansith a tone that tells me to shut my mouth and do as I’m told

I biteif I should push the issue I don’t like the Bishops, in fact, I hate them for what they’ve done and how they’ve treatedtired of doing ainstto do it anyway

“Should I coht afterward?”

Looking up from the document in front of him he pierces me with a stare from his blue eyes that match my own in depth and color