
Welcoenetic world Fast, furious, and out of control This is not the world of the future --- it&39;s the world right now Is a loved oneextinct? Is everyone at your dinner table of the saenes; is that why an adult hu resembles a chienetic cure for drug addiction --- is it worse than the disease? We live in a time of momentous scientific leaps; a tis and sperenetic enetic crienes are owned by so person and his family can be pursued cross-country because they happen to have certain valuable genes within their chromosomes Devilishly clever, Next blends fact and fiction into a breathless tale of a neorld where nothing is what it seems, and a set of new possibilities can open at every turn Next challenges our sense of reality and notions of enuinely frightening and disturbing, Next shatters our assu new choices where we least expect The future is closer than you think Get used to it