Bound by the Night
Bound by the Night (Bound 4) For the last fifteen years, vampire queen Iona has been dead to the world Trapped under the power of a brutal curse, she has been helpless A prisoner, locked within her own still body Then alpha olf Ja the guards that surround her, Jaives Iona his blood…and she rises The world has changed a great deal in the last fifteen years, and Iona has changed, too Once known as the Blood Queen because of her dark reputation, she now finds herself longing for the blood of only one man…only he isn’t just a man She wants the blood of her olf--Jamie’s blood But Iona doesn’t realize that Jaerous secrets And Iona may have traded one curse for another Now that he has Iona, Jao He needs his Blood Queen in order to defeat his eneer, and…he just needs her Jamie has risked his life to clai break their bond Not time Not spells Not even a wild and reckless va: This is a hot vampire and olf roer, lust, adult language and adult sexy times