Halo: Primordium
Halo: Prio, I was a living, breathing hu I went mad I served my enemies They became my only friends" "Since then, I&39;ve traveled back and forth across this galaxy, and out to the spaces between galaxies--a greater reach than any human before me " "You have asked me to tell you about that time Since you are the last true Reclai? Good Becauserapidly I doubt I&39;ll be able to finish the story" "Once, on my birth-world, a world I knew as Erde-Tyrene, and which now is called Earth, my name was Chakas" In the wake of apparent self-destruction of the Forerunner empire, two humans--Chakas and Riser--are like flotsae shores indeed Captured by the Master Builder,a furious battle in space, they now find themselves on an inverted world where horizons rise into the sky, and where humans of all kinds are trapped in a perilous cycle of horror and neglect For they have becoaeance between the poho seeded the galaxy with life, and the Forerunners who expect to inherit their sacred Mantle of duty to all living things In the coins an epic journey across a lost and daed Halo in search of a way ho up within, and for the Librarian&39;s ta with human destiny This journey will take them into the Palace of Pain, the doence who claims to be the Last Precursor, and who now has control of both this Halo and the fate of Forerunners and Humans alike Called the Captive by Forerunners, and the Prience has taken charge of, and retasked, the Master Builder&39;s cruel researches into the Flood--which it alaxy more than ten thousand years before