The Royal Pain

The Royal Pain (Alaskan Royal Faist Dr Shel ("Never Sheldon") Rivers has a problem Some princess expects him to wait on her, hand and dimpled foot His boss is taken with the royal redhead -- brunette, whatever, it&39;s not like he keeps track of that stuff -- and nobody realizes that he just wants to be left alone in his lab All alone All the tiood Now here&39;s Miss Royalpants, insisting that he escort her around the , kiss her until her toes curl -- no, wait, that was his idea She&39;s not even apologetic about being born into a royal family! Says it&39;s his problem to overcoain And again And So she&39;s nothing like he expected In fact, Dr Rivers can see that this fantastic, exasperating woman has problems no princess should ever have to deal with And he has an idea to help her get so very, very tired beforehand, but if she&39;s up to it, then so is he