
Author: Eht
Latest: Page 20

Taken (The Vaends 2) In TAKEN (Book 2 of the Vaends), Rachel Wood finally learns the secret that her new boyfriend, Benji, has been hiding: he is a va he is crazy, she runs froain But despite herself, Rachel can’t stop thinking of him As he co if maybe, just maybe, it is all true Meanwhile, Rachel is back in high school, the day after her dreaded ho dance, and is left to deal with the fallout of the brawl Rob’s football friends were injured, but that doesn’t stop Rob froain And despite herself, she realizes that she just s for him, too Rachel’s social pressures build froroup of friends, and she is forced to lie to her parents, and sneak out, in order to get out of being grounded and have any social life Her sister, Sarah, covers for her, as those two start to develop a deeper bond But problems only escalate for Rachel, as Benji coer with him She discovers his world at his ancestral home in the mysterious Lyndvia Castle on the Hudson River But just as their ro, Benji’s twin brother shows up with a ht mean the end for all of them Rachel will have to decide just how much she wants to sacrifice to be with the love of her life